Chapter 25: Our Home

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"Hey, wake up you two, we're landing in like 5 minutes," Tobey spoke, me struggling to open my eyes as I felt stiff in my awkward position. Leo was worse than me, his head pressed against the small, round window, his mouth hanging open.

"Leo?" I shook his shoulder, causing him to hit his head when he jerked awake. "Aw, I'm sorry, baby." I put my hands on either side of his cheeks, repeatedly kissing the top of his hair, including his forehead. He smiled some before we buckled up, prepared for the landing. It was only 5 in the morning on my watch, but then I remembered Los Angeles was a 3 hour difference, so the real time was 2 in the morning. I blinked away the tiredness in my eyes as we all exited the plane, grabbing our luggage before finding Leo's mom. I was glad that Candy had done well on the ride, the little kitten just fast asleep in his cage.

"Hey, Mom," Leo greeted with a warm smile once we spotted her. She wrapped him up in a nice hug, him returning the gesture.

"I missed you so much," she said, giving him a good squeeze before finding Tobey for an embrace. "How was your trip?"

"Great. Mom, this is Piper. You know, the girl I said I was marrying. I'm sorry I didn't call you after the ceremony, but we were busy, and we are having another one here soon..."

"It's okay," she told him with a nice smile.

"Hi," I shyly greeted, feeling backward since his mom seemed a bit like a celebrity to me too.

"Welcome to the family, Piper. I'm so glad to finally meet you." She offered a hug which I accepted, already relaxing from her sweet personality. "I never thought Leonardo was going to settle down. I mean, he's still so young, but he's just never seemed that interested in the girls he's dated." I blushed as she kept her arm around my shoulders, looking at Leo who was slightly pink as well.

"Hey, Mom, do you think we could continue our conversations tomorrow? I'm really tired, and I wanted to give Piper a tour of our new home together before we went to bed."

"Of course, I understand." She ended up helping me with my suitcase that rolled, my hands fairly full with the cat carrier. I loved her car, since it smelled like fresh pine and had a sleek, black leather interior.

"Wow, this is such a nice car," I commented, Leo and I in the back, while Tobey took the passenger's seat.

"Thank you. Leo bought it for me shortly after Titanic took off," Irmelin explained, getting behind the wheel.

I giggled at how Leo purposely sat in the middle on the hump, so that we could be right next to each other. I cuddled up to him as Irmelin pulled out onto the multiple lane highway, the traffic fairly decent with the late or early hours, depending on how you looked at it.

"I won't talk to you much, since I can see how tired you are, but I expect to get caught up soon. I want to get to know my daughter-in-law, and spend time with my son I haven't seen in 2 months."

I nuzzled my nose against Leo's neck as I smiled faintly, him tightening his hold around me.

"Is she already asleep?" His mom glanced in the rearview mirror before focusing on the dark road.

"Nah, she's just hiding how happy she is that you've been so accepting of her. We had a bit of trouble with her parents wanting us to get married," Leo chuckled quietly.

"I don't blame them, but you've always been a responsible boy. I trust that if you believe this is the girl for you, then this is the girl for you."

I felt so much joy that it was hard to contain, keeping myself from getting too excited as I felt hyper from my drowsiness.

"You're right, Mom, but she's not just the girl for me, she's the only girl for me. I really love her. You have no idea."

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