Chapter 15

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Zoeys POV:

Today is the day that we go to award show and to say the least I'm a little freaked out. I have never really went to one before and I'm nervous.

Izzy and I are going to arrive with the guys. Justin told me that I just couldn't arrive without him to my first award show. I just laughed and agreed with him because why not?

Right now one of the stylist are in my room helping me with my hair and makeup. My work hired them for me because this makes an impression on the company.

"How much longer sissy?" Izzy groaned. We have been getting ready for about 1 and a half hours and she is bored out of her mind. Plus the guys left a little while ago to go get ready themselves and were meeting us out front to drive to the place.

"Soon baby girl, my makeup and hair is almost done and then we can put on our dresses and head out" I assured her.

"And we are done" the stylist, Hillary told me finishing off my makeup. My hair was in big loose curls and my makeup was done to look glamorous just not too much.

"Thank you so much you did an amazing job" I hugged her before she left me and Izzy to change. We both have matching dresses that I picked out weeks ago.

Mine was a tight fitted pearl covered top with some tanish brown fabric off the bottom. It showed off my curves and was really cute.

Izzy's had the same pearl top but only with the pearls around the very top and the same color fabric poofing around her. And she got to wear some white flats and I got to wear white heals.

"Sissy I love it" Izzy squealed spinning in the mirror. I just smiled before standing behind her looking at both of us together in the mirror. I think we look good and we are ready to head out of this hotel.

I grabbed my clutch in one hand and Izzy's in the other before walking outside. Of course there were paps everywhere but since Justin was waiting outside for us his body guards helped us though them.

I squeezed Izzy's hand tight as we walked though them as they shouted at us. Some rude some nice. I don't really like them either way they are just like stalkers except since they have cameras it's not stalking.

"Well welcome beautiful ladies" Za greeted Izzy and I.

"Thank you" I laughed a bit noticing Justin from the corner of my eye looking me up and down slowly.

"You look very beautiful" Justin complimented.

"Thanks Justin" Izzy smiled before I could reply making me laugh a bit.

"We're here" Fredo cheered.

"I'm nervous" I breathed out as Justin helped me from the car, Izzy following.

"Don't be you look gorgeous" he whispered in my ear making me blush. "Now come" he said walking in front of me.

"Come on Izzy" I grabbed her hand walking on the carpet in front of all the cameras. We posed for a few together before I felt a hand on the small of my back.

I slowly looked up to see Justin with a smile on his face. Shaking my head I smile too looking back to the cameras and making a good pose with him.

"I can't wait for tonight" he whispered into making me blush and look away from the cameras. "What I would do right now if wee weren't in front of all these cameras is beyond us"

"Justin" I squealed a little hiding my face in his chest a bit.

"Just telling the truth babe" he smirked. "And tonight we are going to be all alone after the after party"

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