Chapter 21

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Zoeys POV: 

"That felt so good" I said breathing heavily. Justin and I just finished running two miles on the gyms outdoor track. It just gives you that feeling in your chest that is indescribable.

"That in no way felt good babe" Justin groaned putting his hands on his head breathing really heavy. 

"Don't you just love the feeling in your chest it just feels amazing babe" I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek lightly. He was really sweaty from this. 

"It's lovely" he shook his head pulling my body into his sweaty one. 

"Ew you are so sweaty and we still have more to go" I told him. We have only been here for about an hour doing random stuff. We still have about another hour left. 

"You are killing me woman" he chuckled kissing my lips but soon pulled away because his phone started ringing. He just looked at it and walked away with the phone to his ear. Well then. 

I just shook it off and headed into the real gym and started to do my regular work out routine. Like squats, lunges, push ups, sit ups, crunches, and other stuff. 

"Babe I have to run somewhere really fast and I swear I will be back to get you and finish this. Then we will go get Izzy but this will be real quick" Justin blabbered on kissing my cheek and exiting. 

"Yeah okay" I pretty much said to myself because he left before I was even able to reply. He better have a good reason for leaving and he better be here on time because I have a schedule and I have to get Izzy.

Whatever I have to finish this workout and I have no time to worry about him right now. I grabbed my phone and plugged in my headphones before going to the bikes and getting lost in my workout. 

I just got finished doing my pull ups when I finally looked down at my phone. It's been an hour since Justin left and I really need to go and get Izzy. If I don't leave in the next 10 minutes then I'm going to be late. I can't believe this is happening. 

"Hey this is Justin sorry I can't get to the phone right now, I'm probably doing some work stuff. Leave me a message, so yeah bye" he has his fucking phone turned off. Okay, I wasn't mad before but now I'm going to kill him. 

Shaking my anger off I went into the locker room grabbing my sweater and other belongings before walking out of the gym. Justin drove me here so I have no way to go and get Izzy. Who can I call? Carissa! That's it!

"Please pick up the phone" I repeated while the phone rang. 

"Hey babe" she said answering the phone.

"Carissa really big favor and I will explain when you get here but can you please come get me from the usual gym, I don't have my car and I'm going to be late to get Izzy" 

"Of course I'm in the car anyway about to pass the gym so I will be there in 30 seconds babe so calm down" she reassured me. "Oh and I want the whole explanation too" she said before hanging up. Not even 10 seconds later she pulled up and I jumped in as we rushed to the school. 

"So get telling" she said. I just nodded and told her the story, of course in a shorter version starting from this morning. "So he showed up being all cute, dropped Izzy off, took you shopping, and then fricking left you at the gym with no explanation" she asked. 

"Yes!" I screamed. "He better have a good reason because I'm late now getting Izzy" I ran my hand through my hair as we pulled up. I saw no one in sight at all. Usually they have all the little kids outside until there parent comes. 

"Where is she?" I said freaking out. I jumped out of the car looking around until I spotted her teacher. 

"Excuse me where is Izzy?" I asked her trying not to freak.

"Her grandmother came for her, you weren't here and she is on the emergency contacts and other things, I thought it was alright I'm so sorry" she explained. 

"I'm 5 minutes late, 5 minutes and you let that psychotic bitch take my little sister?" I pretty much yelled. I can't believe this is happening. 

"I'm sorry mam I didn't know that she wasn't supposed to go with her and maybe if you were on time you would have her" she said before getting into her car and driving away. 

I screamed and sat down on the parking lot. This lady doesn't even know how much this literally messed up. Bringing my knees to my chest I let out a sob. My so called grandma is going to make this hell for me. I swear if she tries to take away Izzy I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. 

"Babe, babe, babe omg what happened?" Carissa yelled coming to me and hugging my body. 

"My fucking psychotic grandmother took her" 

"Well at least she's safe" Carissa said smiling.

"Yeah, she is but I don't know for how long." I shook my head. "Listen she is going to try and use this against me to take Izzy away from me and I'm not sure what I would do with myself if that happens" I cried. 

"Well I won't let that happen, now come on I need to go and get my little Izzy bug" she said pulling me up and into the car. I didn't want to talk so I simply typed in the address in the GPS and looked out the window.

I can't believe I let this happen. This is all my fault I shouldn't have allowed Justin into my life. I was perfectly fine before him and I will be perfectly fine without him. Izzy and I will be fine, we always have been. 

How could I have even let this happen? I'm a horrible sister and guardian. Who is so irresponsible to let some guy into your life and mess everything up. Selfish. That's what I have been. I let Justin into both of our lives and it just messed up everything.

But I guess the rainbow doesn't last forever. 

"Zoe we are here" Carissa said shaking me a bit. I didn't even notice that we stopped. 

"Okay just stay here please and I will be back" I said unbuckling and getting out. I took my time walking up the walk way. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. 

"Look who finally showed up" I heard that raspy high pitched voice squeak.

"I'm here for my little sister" 

"Izzy" she yelled smiling at me, Izzy came running with her backpack on and an ice cream cone in hand. I squatted down as she ran to me. Giving her a huge hug and kissing all over her face I apologized and sent her to the car.  

"You have no right to go and take her from her school without my permission do you understand me" I said to her with pure hatred. "Ever do anything like that again and I will go to the cops and get a restraining order against you."

"Oh honey I'm so scared" she laughed. "You should really thank me though because if it wasn't for me she would have had to sit at school and all those judgmental moms would all know that you aren't suitable for this. And I know that hurts you"  she smiled.

"Let me handle my own problems on my own" I told her about to walk away. 

"Oh and I contacted your child services person and let him know what happened. So ever let something like that happen again and I have a wonderful case against you to get my Izzy bear" my psychotic grandmother warned before walking inside.

"Just stay away from the both of us" I yelled walking out to the car. "Izzy baby I'm so sorry it was an accident and some things happened, but sissy promises that, that will never happen again."

"It's okay sissy but where's Justin?" she asked as we headed home.

"Good question" I mumbled.  Speaking of Justin I'm so done with him we are over. 

To: Justin

Thanks for fucking me over today. I told you that Izzy was my main priority and I thought you understood that. Today I could have totally lost her thanks to you. So please and thank you but leave me alone forever. Don't talk to me anymore. We are done. 

Hovering over the send button I finally sent it. This just needed to be done and I'm glad it did happen even though my heart feels like it just broke into about a million pieces. But as long as I have me and my Izzy I will be fine. I think. 


Thanks so much for reading and please vote and comment what you think. Lots of love

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