Chapter 7

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PS: I haven't checked over this chapter yet so sorry for any mistakes:)


Zoeys POV:

"Izzy come on we have to go and meet your grandma" I yelled. It was now Wednesday and I have to drop her off at my grandmas house. So that she can take Izzy.

"I'm coming" she called coming in the living room with her bag in one hand. "I'm only staying there tonight and tomorrow"

"Yeah when you get there you will go to bed and wake up tomorrow and do stuff with grandma" I explained.

"Ok" she said as we walked out to the car. I helped her in then got in myself. I turned on some music as I pulled out of the parking lot. "How far is it sissy?"

"It's only about a 20 minute ride so we will be there soon" I told her. We sat in silence the whole way there with some music playing in the back round. When we got there I parked then went to Izzy's door. It was already 10:30 so she fell asleep.

I picked her up letting her head rest on my shoulder. Grabbing her bag and heading towards the door. I took a deep breath before nocking on the door. My grandma has a lot of money so she lives in a really nice house.

"Hi honey" my grandma greeted me.

"Don't call me that you lost that chance a while ago" I told her "I will be here at exactly 8 tomorrow night"

"Ok" she nodded.

"Here" I handed her sleeping Izzy. I kissed her head "I took her out of school for tomorrow so you don't have to worry about it"

"Alright see you tomorrow then" she mumbled.

"Bye Izzy" I kissed her head once more before starting to walk away.

"Oh and I think it might be better if you put some actual clothes on around you sister and stop being a slut" she bitched.

"You have no right to tell me what I can and can not wear around her" I snapped "and you better shut your mouth before I change my mind and take Izzy" I warned her.

"Have you ever been taught to give respect to your elders" she came back.

"I lost all my respect for you awhile ago" I told her getting in my car. She didn't say anything she just gave me a dirty look and shut the door. I buckled up and sped off I cannot be any where near her. I just want to go home and figure out what im gonna do to distract myself. I'm on a break at work, and it's like one of the first times I don't have Izzy with me.

I pulled into my parking lot and walked upstairs. Now what to do with myself. I plopped down on the couch. Pulling off my spankies and tank top I once had on leaving me in my bra and thong. Covering myself with a blanket. Have an alone movie night I guess. I turned on Dear John and started to watch it. Until my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered it.

"Hey boo" I heard Justin chuckle.

"Hey" I giggled.

"What's up?" he asked me

"Nothing much I just got back from dropping Izzy off at my grandmas and got in a fight with her" I laughed. "So now I'm trying to figure what to do with my life now"

"You should come and hang with me and the guys, I'm bored as fuck and were gonna have some drinks and watch the football game" he told me "I would love for you to join"

"Why would you want me there?" I laughed. "I don't watch football"

"Because I want to hang with you, I want away from this football game it's pissing me off and we will have some fun" I could just feel his smirk though the phone.

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