Chapter 19

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Okay so you guys might hate me but I'm skipping Disney and going on because I honestly have no ideas for that so I will go on..


Zoey's POV:

"Babe" Justin groaned while we were on the plane. We just got in the air. Disney was so much fun with them. Honestly I have never had so much fun at Disney before. But our trip had to end and we needed to go home.

"What" I groaned back at him. He has been all whiny since we got on the plane. He didn't want to go, both him and Izzy were so hard to get onto this plane.

"Come take a nap with me" he said patting the bed spot next to him for me to lie down. Izzy is already passed out from our long day.

"Only if you stop whining" I told him.

"Promise now come here baby" he opened up his arms as I moved towards him and laid at his side as we both snuggled up to each other. "You are so gorgeous" he said moving his hand up and down my body.

"Thanks handsome" I smiled into his chest.

"Can I take a picture?" he asked me shyly. Why is he asking? Haha okay

"Of course, you don't have to ask me." I laughed as he took out his phone. He took his hand at my side and slid up my shirt a little bit and took a picture of our bodies.

We both have sweats on and he has no shirt. My leg is draped over his legs it looks really cute to be honest. He put a black and white filter over it and posted it with the comment 'this girl' along with a heart and kissy face.

"That's so cute" I squealed.

"You're cute" he smirked down at me. Every time he does that to me he has me feeling some type of way.

"And you are the most cliche man I have ever met" I kissed his cheek making him blush. The way that I can make him blush by kissing his cheeks is the most adorable thing in the world I just have to admit.

"Only for you babe" he gave my side a squeeze.

"Better be but now I want to sleep so leave me be" I said shutting my eyes. You know how you can just feel when someone is staring at you, yeah? Well I know for a fact that he is staring at me right now.

I even bet he has a small smile on his face. Like the smile when he sees something cute like a puppy or something... A smile of adoration it's actually the most adorable thing in the world. He smiles at his siblings that way.

"Stop staring and smiling at me you creep" I laughed opening one of my eyes to see him doing exactly as I thought.

"Can't help myself doll" he tried to cover himself up but I just shook my head and closed my eyes hoping that soon enough he would do the same as me because it was a kind of long flight and it's been a crazy day.

Justin's POV:

Zoey fell asleep about 30 minutes ago. I have just been lying here playing with her long hair just thinking about things.

When we go back I have to start hitting the studio again. Zoey starts work and has to go to the gym, watch Izzy, bring her to school, do her own school, and so much other shit. I honestly am so worried about what will happen.

Life has been so much better since I actually met Zoey and I can't imagine what things will be like without her. My friends and family all love her with there hearts and I couldn't ask for anything better.

It's just that the last time all of this kind of stuff happened it was with Selena. And lets just say things did not go well with her. I thought we were going fine but our schedules got in the way of everything. Pretty much what I'm worried about with Zoey.

The thing is that Zoey and I are way stronger than Selena and I ever were. Plus Zoey and I didn't exactly start out like Selena and I.

Selena and I originally started dating for some publicity shit Scooter came up with but then we actually started liking each other through the pretending. Little did we both know that we only did well pretending because we could go home after being in public and not worry about it.

Zoey and I started with flirting and some sex, amazing sex may I say. I guess we had more of a sexual attraction in the beginning instead of anything else. Plus we were friends before anything went further.

"Whatever you're stressing about stop it right now" Zoey groaned out of no where. I thought she was sleeping? And how did she know about anything with her eyes closed?

"How would you know that I'm stressing about anything you have been asleep this whole time?" I asked her.

"Half asleep may I add, and I don't need to see you to know you are stressed" she mumbled.

"Gosh you're perfect" I said hugging her.

"You going to explain to me why you are so tense?"

"I was just thinking about some things" I told her.

"I knew that but what things, maybe I can help you with some things" she said finally opening her eyes and looking up at me with her big brown eyes.

"About us" I told her. There is no need to sugar coat it or not tell her the truth. "Like how everything will go when we get back and we have to go back to regular schedules"

"I think we will just let destiny take us where we need to be. Like you said before we will figure it out" she smiled lightly up at me.

"Yeah you are right" I kissed her head. "Now lets go to bed."

"Only what I have been trying to do" she laughed.

Zoey's POV:

"Finally home!" I yelled plopping down on the couch as Izzy ran in after followed by Justin with our bags. What a gentleman.

"You're a dork baby girl" He smiled setting the bags down and coming by me. "But you are my dork" Justin smirked me a quick but cute kiss.

"Yes I am" I smiled pecking his lips once more before pushing him away. It was 1 in the morning right now and I'm exhausted. We only got about an hour of sleep on the plane so I'm ready to sleep again.

I start work again in 2 days and Izzy starts school tomorrow. So we need to get as much rest as possible before all of this craziness starts once again.

"I'm going to bed, good night sissy and Justin" Izzy said walking up the stairs slowly. How freaking adorable is she?! Like you don't even know how adorable this sight is to see this little girl half asleep walk upstairs blanket in hand like I can't even.

"I'm going to bed soon too, you can stay if you want to" I told Justin.

"I will just go home, I need to unpack and you need a good nights sleep I will see you tomorrow" he gave me a sweat kiss.

"I'm dropping Izzy at school and going to the gym if you would like to join" I told him.

"Would love to baby" he smiled. "Call me tomorrow, now I really have to go before I'm tempted to stay and we both know we won't be sleeping the entire time" he kissed me then winked walking away.

"Bye Justin" I yelled smiling to myself hearing him let himself out.

"Bye gorgeous" he yelled.


Short I know so sorry but I swear next chapter will be good.... Thanks for reading vote and comment

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