Chapter 10

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Zoeys POV:

Izzy and I just arrived at the beach after like an hour or so of getting ready. It took us forever considering my little sister is defiantly a deva.

Seriously she came out in one of her pink frilly bikinis and she asked me "does this bikini make me look fat sissy?" I of course shook my head laughing telling her absolutely not but she took my laughing wrong and changed.

But here we are after she finally picked to wear her teal one piece that had some cute little ruffles on the butt. And me, I wore a cheetah print bikini a with some teal accents. We both had some white flip flops on, a white sundress, some glasses, and our hair was in a messy bun. We looked cute.

"Finally you guys are here" Justin groaned walking towards me. God his body is amazing. I've known him for awhile and I still can't get over the fact of how hot he is.

"Hi Justin" Izzy waved at him walking towards Fredo trying to help him build a sandcastle.

"What took you so long?" He asked me.

"Izzy was having some bathing suit problems like 'being too fat for it'" I said putting my fingers up to quote her.

"She's just like her sister" he chuckled wrapping his arm around shoulders dragging me towards the guys.

"Nah" I laughed.

"Whatever you say my love" he kissed my cheek.

"Can we please go swimming?" Izzy asked me.

"Can we wait a little but baby girl, we just got here" I said leaning down to her level.

"Please" she begged.

"I will take the little squirt in the water" Fredo said.

"Yes" she cheered pulling her clothes off.

"Be good and listen to Fredo" I pointed at her to make a point.

"Yes mam" she saluted me following behind Fredo.

"The rest of the guys didn't come?" I asked him looking around.

"Nah there here, just somewhere else trying to find hot chicks" he laughed sitting down on a towel.

"Oh" I chuckled sitting next to him pulling off my coverup so I could tan.

"So when are you and Izzy going on that vacation you've been talking about?" He asked me.

"Soon" I sighed "like in a week"

"Oh sounds fun how long you gonna be?"

"Well were gonna stay for a week. Izzy has school and I don't need her missing it all" I explained.

"Sounds great. Where ya going?" He asked.

"I think Florida. So we can go to Disney and stuff. And I have to go to some award show and I thought why not?" I explained.

"What about Izzy?" He asked.

"Im bringing her with" I told him "theirs going to be singers that she likes and stuff plus it's only like 2 or 3 hours and I'm not going to the after party"

"Oh yeah who's performing?" He smirked.

"I don't know I read that Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus we're going to be there"

"And also some really hot guy" he winked.

"Oh who. I didn't know Channing Tatum sang?" I laughed.

"No you jerk it's me" he said rolling on top of me.

"Oh yeah" I giggled.

"Yeah me and the guys are going to be there" he smiled.

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