Chapter 3

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Here ya go.....


Zoeys POV:


Yay, I get to get up early again and bring Izzy to school. For once I would like to sleep in on a week day. At least it's finally Friday.

I went to her room grabbed her some black leggings with a cute grey knitted sweater. And a black tank top to go under it.

"Baby girl wake up" I kissed her cheek.

"Mm sissy I don't wanna" she groaned rubbing her eyes.

"Come on baby girl one more day then you get to sleep in" I rubbed he back.

"Fine" she sighed.

"Now put this outfit on with some black flats, while I get dressed. I'm going to the gym after I drop you off" I handed it to her.

I walked into my room pulling off my clothes. Replacing them with some black spandex and a hot pink sports bra. Both of course from Vicoria's Secret. Covered with a sweater. I put my hair in a pony tail with a headband and walked into the kitchen.

I quickly made Izzy's lunch before she can out. I brushed though her natural wavy hair adding a clip to pull back her bangs. I then gave her a granola bar to eat. She sat down eating as I put on my gym shoes.

"Come on baby we need to go" I said cleaning up her mess. She nodded grabbing her lunch box and backpack as we walked out to the car.


"Bye baby girl I will see you after school" I told her giving her a kiss watching her walk away.

I then headed to the gym. I always go alone or else I get nothing done. Usually I go for about 2-3 hours about 5 days a week. Always spread out.

When I got there I grabbed my phone and headphones walking inside. I always get stares from the guys when I walk in. I went to the lockers taking off my sweater shoving it in there. Before putting my arm band on, shoving my phone into the pocket. Then put my headphones in.

I started to do my regular workouts. I started with my squats and worked from there. I can't work out to much because I don't wanna look like muscular. I have like no muscle actually it's kind if sad. I'm close to abs but not there yet. I actually don't want them cause I don't like the way they look.

About half way though I felt a tap in my shoulder. "Hey honey" I heard a voice. All to familiar. Same guy. His name is Mark, he's about 25. He is super sweet in all but he always asks me to go on a date. "So you think about that date yet?"

I laughed "sorry Mark but no, I don't date remember"

"Yeah I know you say that now but you will be mine" he laughed. I knew he was just joking he always says that.

"Nice try, but no sorry Mark" I giggled.

"Then carry on with your workout my love" he laughed walking away.

I laughed before replugging my headphones and continuing my workout. Plus I need to look good for our upcoming show. Justin is on the show so I don't even know how many people will be watching.

That reminds me. Today is the day he comes to practice with us. This should be fun. Note my sarcasm. I hope the girls will be able to control themselves for the next 2 weeks, they are freaking out at the moment.


"Hey baby girl how was school?" I asked Izzy. I just got her from school. After the gym I went home and worked on some college classes online.

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