Chapter 26

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Zoey's POV:

"Baby you gotta wake up," someone said to me kissing my neck and running there hand down my bare back. Fredo told us last night that he would keep Izzy over night so we could do whatever we would like.

When we got home last night we had some make up sex. Very hot makeup sex may I say so myself. We haven't done anything together in so long it was just perfect. 

"Go away Justin," I groaned putting my face further into the pillow. I don't know why he is up right now considering we both went to bed around 4 in the morning. 

"It's already 2 and I have plans for all of us today," he went on. What kind of plans could he have possibly made for us. "I want to go paddle boarding with you and Izzy today."

"Fine let me get my stuff on," I stood up right in front of him knowing that I was butt naked. He groaned as I made my way into the bathroom shutting the door behind me. I love teasing him. "Oh and where is my little sister?" I asked poking my head out the door. 

"She is in her room picking out a bathing suit," he smiled. "We have already eaten and showered so you are slaking my beautiful girlfriend."

"Stop flattering and get in this shower with me," I told him leaving the door open and getting into the shower. 

We ended up leaving about an hour later once we got done with the shower and put our bathing suits on. Izzy wasn't too fond though of her waiting time because she wanted to go and do this. We had to listen to her the whole time I was getting dressed and the whole way into the car. 

She has finally now shut up because we are only about 5 minutes from the beach and she was looking out the window at everything as we passed. Izzy is a pretty free going little girl and she complains for a little while before something else catches her attention and that's all she can concentrate on. 

"So what did you and Fredo do yesterday baby girl?"

"We went to lunch and then we went to the zoo and saw all the animals and then we went to his house and watched princess movies and I dressed him up and it was so funny," she laughed as she said everything. 

"You dressed Fredo up?" Justin asked as we both laughed. Fredo was always so good with Izzy but I'm surprised that he let her dress him up.

"Yeah it was soooo funny,"  she giggled to herself thinking about what had happened. Maybe I should just hire Fredo as the baby sitter. 

"Too bad you didn't get any pictures," I laughed. We will never let him live this down. I can't wait to see him once again. 

"Oh hey babe I forgot to tell you that my mom is going to meet us up there, she wants to see you and Izzy again." Justin told me. The last time I saw her was when I dropped Izzy off so Justin and I could go to the after party while we were if Florida. 

"Sounds fun," I smiled. She probably wont dislike me I mean last time I saw her she seemed to like me. I think at least, I shouldn't be nervous. 

"Don't freak out she already loves you," he squeezed my hand. 

"I'm not worried at all about how the women that means the most to you in this world thinks about me" I smiled at him.

"You're perfect, you have nothing to deal with."

"I'm good, I'm good" I told him as we pulled into a parking spot. He got the boards this morning, I heard him on the phone and they should be on the beach when we get there. 

"Alright lets go!" Izzy cheered getting out of the car followed by Justin and I. We met in the front of the car and entwined our hands walking on the beach following Izzy. When she spotted Pattie by the boards she ran for her and gave her a hug. I'm guessing she had a really good time when she stayed over there. 

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