Chapter 9

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Justin's POV:

The next morning I woke up to see my... ok not mine but 2 beautiful girls laying next to me. I smiled down at them seeing we fell asleep on the couch. Both of them leaning against me.

I haven't truthfully smiled in awhile and something about these girls is bringing that true smile back. It's weird to think that a few weeks ago I wouldn't have ever said this about anyone.

My fans have always been there for me and make me smile all the time. But sometimes I just need someone else. Not someone who uses me for money or fame. Just someone I can be myself around and have no cares in the world.

"Stop staring at me like that" Zoey laughed keeping her eyes closed.

"I don't know what you mean" I smirked.

"Sure," she chuckled opening one eye looking up at me. "How lone have you been up?"

"Not long" I told her.

"Hmmm I haven't slept in like this in forever, what time is it" she sat up stretching, with Izzy's head still on her lap.

"Um it's 11:30" I said as I picked up my phone.

"Ok, do you want some breakfast?" She asked in her cute little morning voice. God what has gotten into me!

"Yeah sure" I said as she stood up picking Izzy up and placing her back on the couch so her head was now resting on the pillow and covered her back up with the blanket.

Zoeys POV:

"Come on" I stuck out my hand for Justin to grab. He grabbed it right away as I pulled him up and into the kitchen so I can start cooking. "How do some banana pancakes sound?" I asked him.

"Sounds very, very good" he smiled sitting down at the island. I just smiled back and started mixing up the batter.

"So what are you doing today?" he asked me.

"Well I'm gonna go to the gym and drop Izzy off at the daycare, playground think next to it," I explained.

"Can I join?" he asked steeling part of the banana I was gonna put in the batter and plopped it inside his mouth.

"If you want, but don't forget what happened last timr" I laughed pointing my finger at him.

"Oh I remember how hot you looked" he winked at me.

"Not what I was getting at" I giggled putting some of the batter on the now hot pan.

"I know, I know but still and I will do my own workouts" he chuckled "oh and is it ok if I have some of my friends come with?"

"No Justin" I joked "just kidding go ahead."

"Kk bae bae" he smirked.


"Bye princess love you" I kissed Izzy's cheek before she ran into the daycare that was inside the gym.

"So what shall we do first?" Justin asked me. His friends were supposed to meet us here soon.

"Well they have like a field behind here to run so let's go back there first" I pointed to the door the the back.

"Sounds good" he said following me outside.

"Let's stretch first" I told him sitting down. I leaned to one side stretching then the other. Then put my legs together so I could touch my toes. I then crossed on leg over the other with one arm on the ground and one hanging over my leg.

I stopped once I saw Justin snap a picture of me. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

"She's focused, she's focused, gotta body like that haven't seen nothing like that before" he slightly sang typing into his phone.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked crawling towards him since he was already on the floor. "Justin???"

"Oh you will hear about it very soon" he showed me his phone so I could see the picture he took of me. I gasp and tackled him to the floor.

"Justin delete that!" I squealed laying on top of him trying to steel the phone.

"No I like it" he laughed using his free hand to grab my hip. I just groaned sitting up so I was on his lower stomach.

"Oh Bieber's getting busy outside" we both heard someone say behind us. I turned to see 3 of his friends. I think it was Fredo, Za, and Ryan. All in some basketball shorts and t-shirts.

"Yeah, no" I crossed my arms over my chest standing up. "He took a picture of me stretching and posted it on Instagram I was trying to steel his phone to delete it"

"Is it like you bending over cause I wouldn't mind a picture of that ass" Ryan smirked.

"No" Justin laughed coming behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "We didn't get that lucky"

"Shut up" I laughed pushing him away. "Now I have to run so I can go get Izzy" I said running away from them.


3 hours later I was finally done with my workout. The guys had given up on working out about 1 hour ago so they just sat and watched me.

"Alright I'm done now" I laughed "now get up" I pushed them of the the bench.

"Ok what's next?" Fredo asked putting his arm around my shoulders.

"We go and get my sister" I pointed to the daycare door.

"Let's see this little cutie" he smiled.

"I'm here for Isabella" I told one of the ladies.

"Izzy!" the lady yelled. "Your sister is here for you!"

"Sissy!" I heard Izzy squeal running towards me. I smiled picking her up in my arms.

"I missed you Izzy bug" I kissed her cheek.

"I missed you too" she hugged me tighter. "Now to the car" she cheered. I giggled bringing her out to the car followed by the guys.

"Ok Izzy this is Fredo, Ryan, and Za" I pointed them all put to her as we reached the car. "And guys this is my little sister Izzy if you don't all remember from breakfast the one morning"

"Hi Izzy" Fredo cooed.

"I dork" she smiled as I scolded her for being rude.

"Gosh, she has as much sass as you Zoe" Fredo joked.

"Yeah, yeah whatever" I waved him off.

"Can we go to the beach now?" Izzy asked "please"

"Yeah I guess baby" I kissed her cheek. "You guys can join if you want"

"Yeah sure we will meet you there in an hour or so" they said before leaving to go change and stuff. I just nodded getting into the car with Izzy heading home to get changed.


Super sorry I haven't posted in forever and that this I super short. But I updated! And I will try my hardest to post soon. Thanks for reading and please vote and comment.

Tips: The more votes and comments the faster I post the next chapter;)

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