Victoria's Secret Model

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Here's chapter 1 of my new story. Hope you like it.

Picture of the apartment up above^


My name is Zoey, Zoey Brooks. Just in case your wondering what I look like I have light brown hair with brown eyes. I have a fit body but I still have my curves. I'm 20 years old.

I became a Victoria's Secret model at 18 right out of high school. I started modeling for them after my parents died in a car accident. I had just turned 18 and I was left to take care of my little sister, who was 4 at the time. Now she's 6 her name is Isabella, but I usually call her Izzy.

My modeling career was just starting off when it all happened. I got into the business through one of my best friends, Carissa. Her aunt helps design the clothing.

We model together. Both of us at the top of the whole thing. Sadly Emily is another one of the head girls. She hates me because the other girls like me better. But I don't blame them she is a straight out bitch. And because I have gotten farther in life then her.

I have my own apartment here in Californian. But not like a crapy one a really nice one. Well it better be at least it cost me as much a month as a house would. And I'm taking college classes on the internet.

Anyway let's start the story....

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Zoeys POV:

"Izzy, come on I have to drop you off and go to work" I yelled to my sister. She was currently in her room getting some toys before I dropped her off at daycare.

"Coming sissy" she yelled coming out with a bag almost weighing her down. She was the cutest thing.

I grabbed her hand and walked out to the car with her. I picked her up and buckled her into her car seat. Before sitting in the passenger seat and starting the car.

"Alrighty baby girl I will come get you after work and we will go eat and put you to bed, you have school tomorrow morning" I kissed her cheek handing her to the baby sitter, Mary. It was Sunday so she would have school in the morning. I drive her everyday.


"Finally your here" Carissa groaned as I walked in. "Kara has some big news and she was waiting for you" Kara is the lady in charge of us all.

"Ok, I'm sorry I had to get Izzy to her babysitter" I laughed putting down my purse and gathering by the rest of the girls.

"Alright ladies, we have a big show coming up and I have a special announcement" Kara cheered. "Alright so we have Justin Bieber coming on our show to sing while you girls strut your stuff" she laughed.

"Yay" we all cheered. I was just exited we had a little change in our shows.

"Oh and I decided on one girl for this show to be our head girl" Kara smiled "she has been here for some time and I'm very proud of her improvements, she works her butt off everyday, and is a great example to others" I could see Emily starting to smirk from the corner of my eye. Ha. She thinks it's gonna be her. I doubt it. It will probably be Carissa.

"I have picked you, Zoey" she clapped along with the others. What? I was not expecting this at all.

"Oh my god, thanks so much" I hugged her.

"No problem sweet heart" she squeezed me. "Now girls let's start preparing because the show is in exactly 2 weeks from today" she clapped then shoed us away with her hands.

We all went and put on some heals and started to prepare. Kara showed us where to walk and when to walk there. It actually looked really good. And when Justin comes to sing it will be like 50 times better. We had only just started and I'm super siked. Justin is on tour still so he won't be here to practice with us till Friday and the show will be 2 Sundays away.

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