Chapter 16

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Zoeys POV:

"Pattie are you sure that you don't mind watching Izzy?" I asked once again. We just got to Patties after going to the hotel and changing.

I was unsure about leaving Izzy with Pattie. It's noting against Pattie it's just that I don't want to be a bother to her and I usually am not away from Izzy.

"Oh I'm sure honey, she will be fine and I really don't mind" she reassured me. "I'm happy to watch her."

"Okay" I said. "Thank you so much Pattie and I promise I will be back here right in the morning to get her and-" I rambled before she stopped me.

"Honey don't worry about it she will be fine you and my son go have some fun as a new couple and Izzy will be fine" Pattie laughed pushing me slightly towards the door.

"Thanks again and it was so nice meeting you" I said before Justin pulled me out of the place laughing.

We walked to the car as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and mine around his waist. It was a comfort ale silence because he knew how worried I was right now.

Truthfully though I am so excited. When we got back I put on a short tight black dress with some gold and white accessories. I looked hot or as Justin put it "amazingly gorgeous and fucking sexy as hell" he was happy with it to say the least.

Getting to the car he helped me in kissing the top of my head before running to his side and heading to the after party. We were meeting Fredo, Chaz, Ryan, Za, and Khalil there. But other than that I really didn't know anyone else that was going. Sure I knew the famous people but I didn't really know know them.

"Stop worrying you're going to get wrinkles" Justin joked.

"I'm trying, I'm trying" I laughed. "But truthfully I'm so ready for tonight, I haven't gone out like this in forever"

"Well I'm happy to get to spend it with you girlfriend" he smirked.

"Ew don't" I giggled. "I hate that so much it's just so cliché"

"Okay girlfriend, we are here" he pulled into the valet. Both doors opened and I was helped out of the car as Justin handed over to keys of his Lamborghini.

"Come on babe" he whispered wrapping his arm around my waist as we walked into the club. The amount of famous people here was beyond me. I may be a very popular model and I'm around many famous people, but not usually this many at one time. It kind of made me self conscious so I pulled down any dress a bit.

"Babe calm down" Justin kissed my cheek.

"How can I everyone is literally staring at us" I whispered back to him as we continued to walk. These may be famous people but I saw a few phones come out taking pictures of us. "They are staring because you look sexy as hell." He reassured me.

"Whatever you say, but I need a drink if this is going to continue all night" I laughed slightly as we reached the bar. Justin's arm slid down to my waist as he ordered both of us a drink.

Looking around this club was one of the fancier clubs I have been in. You could tell they rented the place out because it was mostly famous people and there were body guards at all the doors and when you came in you had to be on the list.

I looked around the dance floor seeing pretty much all my favorite famous people. Like Chris Brown, Beyoncé, and many many more. To admit I was pretty star struck at the moment but I knew I would make a fool out of myself if I did that.

"Here baby" Justin handed me a drink kissing my lips lightly. I mumbled a thanks as we walked over to the guys sitting a curved sofa with a little table in the middle. They all were just chilling with a drink in their hands.

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