Chapter 24

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Zoey's POV:

It's been about 3 weeks since I've talked to Justin. He continues to call and text me but I just ignore him. Honestly though he doesn't pop into my mind so much during the day. I have been so busy with everything. 

I'm back full time at work and then I have Izzy. Plus I've been distracted from doing my college stuff online so I'm just trying to keep up with everything. My life is slowly coming back to the way it was. 

It's just at night when I'm in bed alone that I start to think about him. About how I would be cuddling with him or how he would hold me as we slept. He gave me a sense of security and now that he isn't here I don't know how to feel. When I wake up in the morning I roll over expecting his peaceful sleepy face but all I'm left with is my pillow. 

His sent is pretty much gone from that side of the bed and it breaks my heart. I just want him to hold me in his arms and tell me that everything between us was okay but that obviously isn't happening any time soon. 

Justin has been seen with Selena multiple times since we broke up. I guess that everything between us was a lie because he is fine hanging out with his ex right away. She was the reason that we even go into this argument! Okay maybe not totally but some what. 

I was angry and today I was trying to get some of it out of my body. Izzy is at school and I have off of work because I have an interview for some magazine at 4. I'm perfectly capable of going to work and the interview but the new manager, Nina, wasn't having that. 

So here I am sitting in Starbucks with a deadly grip on my vanilla bean latte staring out the window just letting the thoughts overcrowd my head. Carissa has been helping me keep my mind of this as much as she can but she's at work and I'm not so that doesn't work. 

I closed my eyes briefly taking in a deep breath before opening them again. Taking a look around me I stood up grabbing my purse before walking out. It was 3:45 now so I need to get to the interview. It is at some building not too far from here.

The building was reddish brown bricks throughout the whole thing and then a random door with a sign above it. I pulled the door open walking inside to see a very new looking waiting room. There were chairs against the wall and a glass desk witch the receptionist was sitting at.

I walking up to her telling her my name before she pointed down the hall telling me 2nd door on the right. Thanking her I walked down the hall before getting to the door. It was open and there was a lady in her mid 30's sitting on a comfy chair smiling form ear to ear. 

"Name's Naomi Heart," she stuck out her hand shaking mine, "It's wonderful to see you Zoey!'

"Nice to see you too" I smiled before we both sat down. 

"Well let's get down to business," she said pulling out a notebook."Today I'm just going to ask you about life and how things are going pretty much" she explained pressing start on the recording device. 

"Sounds good, go ahead" 

"So how is modeling treating you?" she asked. 

"It's a lot of fun. I enjoy every single moment of it. Just the feeling of being up there to show off this stuff is breathtaking. People are there to see what you can do and I try my best to put the right emotion into everything."

"Wonderful!" Naomi cheered. "Hmmm how about you tell me about your experiences."

The interview went on for another hour as I answered some simple questions. Pretty much questions that everyone asks me at different places or different events.

"So before you get to go I have just a few more questions." she explained looking down at her notebook. "How's life? Like everything going on with you and around you? How would you explain it?"

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