Chapter 6

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Day of the show....

Zoeys POV:

I woke up to the alarm on my phone going off I groaned getting up. I rubbed my face with my hands before walking into Izzy's room. To my surprise she was already awake.

"Hey baby, you gotta get dressed for gymnastics" I told her.

"Ok" she said standing up.

"Why were you up princess?" I asked her.

"I had to go potty" she laughed.

"Alright well get dressed then meet me in the kitchen" I told her walking out.

I went into my room and stripped down. I put a new bra and thong on covered with some black spandex and a purple sports bra. Covered with a white sweater. After I walked to the bathroom putting my hair into a messy bun and doing my usual makeup.

"Izzy!" I yelled as I walked into the kitchen noticing she wasn't there yet.

"Yeah sissy?" she asked walking in.

"I was looking for you" I told her "grab an apple and we will head there" I told her. She nodded before both of us went to the door slipping on our gym shoes.


"Bye baby girl, see you in a few" I told her as I dropped her off at gymnastics.

"Bye sissy" she waved running away. I smiled before walking back outside and to my car. Now to the gym and the first time in forever I have had someone go with me.

I pulled into he parking lot grabbing my phone and headphones and getting out of the car. I walked inside straight to the lockers pulling off my sweater and shoving it in there before setting up my phone and headphones.

"Your late" I heard Justin say making me snap my head to see a shirtless and sweaty man standing in front of me.

"By like 10 minutes" I laughed.

"Still late now come on" he pulled me towards the mats. "what do you start with" he asked.

"Well I usually start with squats for my butt but I doubt that's what you want to do" I laughed.

"Not what I do, but I would love to watch" he laughed.

"Shut up alright, I need to get done with this and head next door to tan before the show tonight" I laughed starting my workouts.

"God I'm loving this right now, I'm glad I came with my view is pretty great" Justin smirked.

"Shut up" I laughed continuing my workouts as Justin copied me. He is gonna regret this later.


"Come on Justin, it was not that hard" I laughed looking at Justin panting. We had just finished working out and he did everything I did. I don't think he knows that I do this 5 days a week and I've been doing it for years now.

"That was too hard" he whined.

"Oh shut up, now come on I want to go tan" I told him.

"I want to rest" he whined sitting down on the bench.

"If you come with you can come in the room that I will be tanning in" I told him. He just rose his eyebrows "and I get naked before going in" I finished.

"Alright let's go" he said grabbing my hand.

"I knew that would work" I laughed as he pulled me next door. I already made an appointment so they would be ready for me.

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