Chapter 22

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Super sorry but before you start readings this chapter is so short!! So sorry!!

Zoey's POV:

It's now 8:30 at night and Izzy is passed out from waking up early. But me I'm sitting here on the couch staring at a wall. Right now I was supposed to be out to dinner with Justin with the amazing dress that he bought me but that just seems so far at the moment.

After I sent him that text message I was too afraid to look back at my phone because I don't want to hear anything he has to say. When I got home Izzy and I did some of her homework and caught up on a lot of her stuff so it didn't bother me.

Then after we ate dinner and everything when she passed out I went to watch TV and my heart just broke. The media found out about how Justin left me at the gym and how I was late to picking up Izzy and somehow even got my breakdown and me at my grandmas.

That's not even the worse I found out that Justin was with Selena. His ex girlfriend! Of all people he just had to be with her. I'm normally not a jealous person but when all this went down and it was all caused by Justin I couldn't even believe that he was with her.

I thought Justin was the one. I truly believed he would be the one who wouldn't break my heart into about a million pieces but I was wrong. So wrong. Truth is he hurt me more than anyone else ever has.

Justin's POV:

From: Babyyyyyy

Thanks for fucking me over today. I told you that Izzy was my main priority and I thought you understood that. Today I could have totally lost her thanks to you. So please and thank you but leave me alone forever. Don't talk to me anymore. We are done.

I read that over and over again just imagining how much I hurt her. I didn't mean to. Nothing bad was supposed to happen from this and I was gonna be there on time but then some things happened and I just couldn't be there.

I texted her back about a thousand times but she hasn't replied not even once. I know that she is hurt but so am I. This girl is my life and those 3 words keep replaying in my mind. We. Are. Over. I swear I have heard my mind tell me those words about hundreds of times each.

Today was supposed to be a great day but so many bad things happened. Yes, I was with Selena today when I left the gym and that's who I was with the whole time but there was a reason. I'm just not allowed to tell anyone.

But I need to at least try and explain this to Zoey. They say you never know what you have until it's gone but truthfully you always know what you have you just never think it will go away.

Zoey's POV:

I have been sitting in the same place for who knows how long now and i'm finally about to pass out when I hear a knock on the door. Groaning I stand up and walk towards the door.

I looked down at my clothes and fixed them a bit before looking into the mirror and cleaning up the makeup that way underneath both my eyes. Once I was all good I took a deal breath and opened the door.

"I told you that I don't want to see you anymore so what are you doing here?" I asked Justin as soon as I opened the door. It's a real disappointment to see him at my door right now.

"Yeah and I know that but can I please come in and explain some things" he begged me.

"Explain what Justin? The fact that you left me at the gym to go see your ex girlfriend!" I yelled. "Or the fact that my grandmother picked Izzy up to school and contacted child services! Justin you know that Izzy is my life and I've told you that from the beginning!"

"And babe I know that!" He told me. "But Selena called and she needed my help and I was caught up with that."

"What was so important that you just left me?" I asked him.

"I really want to tell you but I can't" he sighed. Is he fucking kidding me?! He can't tell me why in the world he left me for his ex girlfriend?!

"Are you serious!" I yelled at him.

"Babe I want to tell you but I can't"

"Then when you finally want to talk to me about what happened come back. But until then just stay out of mine and my little sisters life" I pushed him back and slammed my door in his face.

"Zoey please just let me talk to you" Justin banged on my door. I just shook my head leaning my back against the door.

"Zoey please I can't lose you" he cried out. I just put my hand over my mouth and slid down the door. I want to open the door so bad but i can't. Once he can finally tell me the reason we can see.

For now I will just sit here and cry to myself because I have nothing else to do. I gave him a chance to explain and he told me he couldn't tell me what he was doing with Selena.

"Well if it even matters anymore I love you Zoey" I heard him whimper. " I love you so much that it literally hurts so much and because of that I'm going to walk away right now but I will make things right." He said before I heard footsteps walking away.

I can't believe he just said that. We haven't said our I love you's yet and now that we get into the fight he says it. Maybe that's what our date night was meant for?

This though doesn't change anything. At least I don't think so.....


Thanks for reading and sorry it took me so long to actually post again. But please vote and comment what you think. Much love to all of you

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