Chapter 17

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Justin's POV:

Waking up my head pounded to the beat of my heart. I shouldn't have drank so much last night I haven't drank too much since I met Zoey. She distracts me from doing that stuff. Which is a really good thing considering what I have been doing in the past. I have to admit it was pretty stupid stuff too.

I may have done those things in the past but truly I regret them. I have been thinking a lot about my choices that I have made recently and they have been bad.

"Why are you thinking so hard so early" I heard a soft mumbled voice making me look down. Zoey had her head resting on my bare chest. She looks so beautiful even though she had just waken up. Her beauty was seriously endless. Zoey didn't need makeup and her flaws made her perfectly perfect.

"I'm just thinking" I smiled down at her.

"Hmm okay what time is it?"

"It is," I picked up my phone, "3 in the afternoon"

"Oh god I need to get Izzy" she squealed jumping out of bed butt naked running into the bathroom.

"Babe calm down my mom texted me saying that she took all the kids out for a late lunch to Chucky Cheese about an hour ago and that she would drop her off after" I reassured her.

"Are you sure?" she asked peeking her head out of the door. Her worried slash questioning look on her face making me smile once again. The face that she always got when we talked about Izzy being away from her.

"Yeah now calm down everything's fine" I said to her.

"Okay now come join me" she smirked opening the door and walking away from it as I hopped up. I mean how could you turn down to shower with Zoey?!

Zoey's POV:

"Justin!" I squealed. We were sitting on the couch trying to watch a movie while we wait for Izzy to get here and he just so happen to decide it would be an awesome time to tickle me.

"Yes baby doll?" he asked with an innocent face.

"Stop that" I whined. He smirked about to do it again before we heard a knock on the door. Izzy was here! I jumped up running to the door and pulling it open. I brought her into a hug right away before letting Pattie in.

"Thanks so much Pattie it means so much to me that you did this I usually don't go out to stuff like this and-" I went on before she shushed me pulling me into a welcoming hug.

"Don't mention it she was amazing and I loved her," she gushed, "I wouldn't mind watching her again plus you make my son very happy. Well you and Izzy do" she said pointing over to where they both sat on the couch.

Justin held her on his lap as they had a little talk between the both of them. They did this often I always found it really funny because of how cute it was, they were both just adorable.

I never find out what they talk about cause neither of them tell me when I ask. They both say that it is between the burrito and the the taco, nacho. Not my words theirs.

"Yeah they get along really well" I smiled to her.

"It's adorable, Justin has always had such a soft spot for kids" she smiled in approval. "I never really talked to you much before Zoey but I believe that you are good for my son and that things will go well," she looked into my eyes, "just please don't leave him, I see the way he looks at you and he can't deal with another breakup"

"You have my word until he does something too bad for me to handle, and there's not much that I can't handle" I smirked.

"Good, now I have to go keep an eye out for my boy and I will see you around" she hugged me before leaving. I looked at the door she just left out of and thought about it for a little while. If something were to happen would Justin be able to handle himself with all the pressure?

"Sissy!" Izzy broke me out of my thoughts as I looked down at her.

"Yes baby?"

"I thought we were going to Disney today, you told me we could go to Disney" she sighed.

"Crap," I muttered to myself, "I'm sorry baby."

"Sissyyyy" she whined.

"How about we stay tomorrow and just go tomorrow and once we are done we can fly home?" I asked her.

"Okay" she smiled.

"Justin you up for that?" I asked. I knew that he wanted to go to Disney with us and I'm hoping that he like didn't need to do anything tomorrow because I really wanted him to be there with us.

"Defiantly" he smiled. "I can't wait to go and meet all the characters!" he cheered like a little boy.

"No they are for me not you" Izzy stated pointing a finger at him.

"They are mine" he said back. This is going to be a long night with these two. I swear they fight like 3 year olds.

"Alright!" I said ending there fight. "Anyone up to going to dinner?" I asked. It was like 7 now.

"I'm up for it" Justin said standing up.

"Me too," Izzy added, "but can I pick where?"

"Yes baby girl let Justin and I put on some different clothes and then we will head out we can just walk" I smiled as Justin and I both walked away into the bedroom. I walked in shutting the door going to get my clothes from my bag. I lent down grabbing a black long sun dress that was strapless and standing up.

Turning around I was met with a hard chest. Looking up Justin had a smirk on his face placing his hands on my hips and leaning down to peck my lips.

"I just wanted to do that" he laughed a little before walking away. His words just making my heart melt, he can just be so sweet at times.

After both Justin and I finished getting dressed we walked out finding Izzy on the couch watching TV. I shut the TV off before grabbing her hand and walking out of the room. Justin grabbed my free hand as we got outside.

There wasn't really any paps around that I could see so we just left the hotel heading who knows where. I knew that someone was going to take a picture and that by tonight it would be everywhere but the fact that I am with the 2 most important people in my world right now made me block that out.

I was in Florida to enjoy my time and that's exactly what I plan to do.

Izzy picked out a restaurant soon after. It was just some little pizza place by the beach but it seemed nice. And the food looked a-mazing. Justin went up and just ordered a cheese pizza as we found a seat that we could see the sun setting by the water.

"Food should be out soon" Justin said sitting next to me. It was a table with four chairs 2 on one side and 2 on the other. He had his arm draped around the back of my chair.

We all talked a little bit about what we wanted to do at Disney tomorrow and Justin had made a special phone call letting them know we were coming so we could get on the rides.

"Alright here is your cheese pizza" the lady said placing it in the middle of the table before walking away. We all already had our plates so we grabbed a piece and started eating.

"Sissy, Justin when are you guys getting married?" Izzy asked as chocked a little on my pizza.

"Um baby we're not getting married" I giggled a little too afraid to look at Justin because I really didn't want to know what he had to think about Izzy's question.

"But Justin told me earlier how you and him were gonna get married one day and have babies" she went on as I turned to look at Justin, his cheeks turning bright red.

"Awe baby" I pinched his cheek. "You want us to have a future" I coed.

"I would love to, and Izzy we said we wouldn't tell your sister what we talk about" he laughed awkwardly.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to know"

"It's fine baby" I reassured her. "And for you" I pointed at Justin, "hmm I don't know what to do because I find it adorable that you tell my little sister that" I giggled.

He didn't reply he just lent in pressing his lips against my mine, but I knew he was showing me something through this kiss. I just couldn't put my finger on it when sparks flew around us.

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