Proposal (Part 2)

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A/N: takes place about a year and half or something (I clearly thought about this so much) after the first part, enjoy :)

Ashlyn made her way to the apartment she shared with Big Red. She unlocked the door and walked in. "Hey love." She kissed her boyfriend's cheek when she made it to the kitchen. It was around dinner time, and he was cooking(something he was average at). "Guess who finished her last exam?"

"Probably a lot of people, but I wanna say you?" He smiled and hugged her, picking her up and spinning her around. "Congratulations!" She laughed as he set her down and went back to cooking.

"Thanks. I can't believe I'm graduating college already. It went by so fast."

"You complained a lot." He laughed.

"Still went by surprisingly fast no matter how much I hated a class or two." She said, a huge smile not leaving her face.

"So when's the ceremony?"

"Next Saturday." She told him. "Like, 8 days."

"Okay, great." He nodded. "Sounds good."

"I'm so excited." She told him.

"I could tell." He glanced over at her with a grin. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The next week went by quickly as far as Big Red was concerned, but to Ashlyn it was extremely slow. She was usually patient, but she couldn't wait to graduate for a multitude of reasons.

Once again, it was a Friday. "Babe?" Ashlyn asked as she settled into bed by Big Red.


"Remember when you proposed?" She asked him, lying on his chest.


"I feel like we're getting closer to that point. You know, more mature, all that." She explained. "I was curious if you thought so too?"

"I mean, I thought that quite awhile ago. But it was definitely right to wait... and yeah, I think we're getting pretty close."

"Okay, glad you agree." She kissed him before turning away. "Love you."

"Love you. Night Lyn."


Ashlyn's graduation the next day lasted two hours. She changed after, uncomfortable in the dress she had been wearing, before going out with Big Red and her family. Her family eventually left, and Ashlyn took Big Red on a hike(which they loved doing).

"Okay, so, maybe don't go on the rockiest path after it's rained." Big Red said, laughing lightly. He took Ashlyn's hand and stood up.

"Good idea for next time. But it is our favorite, so who really cares?"

"I did almost scrape my knee. So did you. Multiple times."

"Okay, okay, we have awful balance, I get it." She grinned. "Let's just make it to the end, then we can do something a little more... hm... cheery."


"I love you." She briefly stopped walking to kiss him before resuming their hike hand in hand.

"I love you too." He smiled. They continued their hike while chatting. They were still in grass near the parking lot when they finished.



"We don't have anything to do the rest of the day, right?" She asked.

"We're free. Why?" He asked. His eyes followed her as she kneeled down.

"I love you so much. I'm ready now. It seems like you're ready. We're both out of college. I couldn't be happier than I am with you. Every second I spend with you is the best. Will you marry me?" She asked him.

"Ashlyn!" He picked her up off the ground and hugged her tightly. "God yes. I love you." He cried. She hugged him just as tightly, crying only slightly less as she had known she was going to do it.

"I love you." She replied. A few minutes passed while they managed to collect themselves.

"Good thing I kept your ring, huh?" He smiled, pecking her lips. She pecked his in return.

"Very good thing."

"What do people do after they get engaged?" He laughed lightly. "Like, this is definitely the best moment ever until our actual wedding, but do we... I mean, I'd say we go out or something but we kinda just did."

"Okay, glad I'm not the only one super confused." She laughed, holding his hand and kissing the top. "Just whatever we want."

"Well that's pretty vague because I really just wanna be with you, which feels implied currently, so..."

"Same." She laughed. "We could hang out at home. I mean, it's our choice."

"Yeah, guess it's been a pretty big day anyways."

"Here ya go." Big Red said, bringing out the ring he had picked out for Ashlyn long ago. He had never worked up the courage to get rid of it. He slid it on her finger.

"It's so perfect!" She hugged him tightly. "Ugh, this has been the literal best day I could have imagined."

"Same." He smiled. She yawned.

"Ready for bed?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah." She took off her jacket, climbing into bed without changing. He did the same, hugging her again once they had both laid down. "Goodnight love."

"Goodnight Ashlyn." A few minutes passed.

"Are you too excited to sleep?" She whispered.


"Okay, I have a master plan." She sat up and turned on the lamp beside her bed. She rubbed her hands together, a smirk on her face.

"You're cute when you try to look evil." He laughed.

"You're saying I can't look evil?" She faked a pout.

"No, I'm saying I read through you're evil face to your cute face."

"What does that even mean?" She laughed.

"I don't know. Failed compliment. Anyways, master plan?"

"Right." She nodded. "We... don't go to sleep yet."

"Genius." He sat up, laughing.

"We have to celebrate for it to sink in. So, therefore, we got to the store, buy ice cream, come back here, eat way too much ice cream, then go to sleep."

"Perfect." He kissed her.

They didn't stray from Ashlyn's 'plan' one bit, doing exactly what she had suggested.

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