Winter Break

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A/N: I have too many of these but I really like this one lol: between season 1 and season 2 redlyn

Theoretically, winter break and the days leading up to it should have been exciting. And it genuinely was, but two of the Wildcats were currently in a talking phase: Big Red and Ashlyn.

Their friends found this ridiculous, because the two were clearly into each other, and they weren't even aware of the kiss they had shared on opening night. Big Red and Ashlyn acted as if it had never happened when with the other, but couldn't help but dwell on it silently. Not only was it their first kiss, it was bathe first kiss either of them had ever had.

Big Red didn't dare bring up the topic. The only reason Ashlyn Caswell would kiss him was to repay him for his gift. It was a big day, it was probably an impulsive decision. And he didn't know her that well. Maybe she had kissed people before, maybe she was already flirting with someone else. It didn't have to be a big deal. But she was Ashlyn... and she was so perfect.

Ashlyn kept kicking herself. She just kissed him. No prior warning. Sure, he didn't seem to hate her for it, but he never brought it up. There was no way he wanted it to happen again. She read the signs wrong. All he did was give her a few compliments. Even if it meant something to her, that didn't mean it meant anything to him.

They had a few days left in the semester. They couldn't avoid each other, but the school environment took away a bit of the awkward energy between them. They got along, not talking too much, but their hearts beating faster when they were together.

Rehearsals were the only time spent together, but the lyrics were a bit too flirty for their liking. Now that they were rehearsing Something in the Air, there was many more chances to force them together. And they liked the time together, but the awkward tension was unbearable.

Once they were done with this, they finally got to escape from school. As much as they loved it, they needed a break. Especially Ashlyn, but she hosted parties which took too much energy out of her.

She took a leap of faith when she asked him to help her set up before the set of their friends arrived. They were friends, it wasn't anything. She just wished it was.

He jumped at the opportunity for two reasons. He wanted to see Ashlyn, and he wanted to help her out. From the few months they had known each other, he could tell she was a giver. He was too, and he realized how draining it was, so any chance to lend her a hand he would take.

First the group had drawn names for secret Santa. While Ashlyn was calm, picking her cousin's name, Big Red had picked Ashlyn. He had no idea how to give her the perfect gift without seeming like he cared too much. Of course he cared about her, and he wanted her to know, but caring about them as a couple was a whole new territory.

The second he had alone time with Ricky, he panicked.

"I just don't know what to do! She's Ashlyn! I can't screw this up." Big Red complained, lying on his bed as they hung out in his basement.

"She's Ashlyn. I don't think you could screw it up by getting her an average gift." Ricky replied.

"If it's average she'll think I don't care that much. If it's too heartfelt, she'll know I like her."

"And that's bad?"

"Yes, it's bad!"

"She likes you." Ricky assured him.

"Maybe kisses don't mean that much! Maybe it was a thank you. Opening night was crazy!"

"Excuse me, what?"

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