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Word Count: 2987

Snape left after saying goodbye to Charlotte that night. Charlotte was thinking about her talk with the Slytherins, and could see that the boys were considering. Girls on the other hand, were quite reluctant.

It was the day after the ball, that Charlotte saw Narcissa Malfoy sitting down and having a cuppa looking relaxed, for the first time. She could tell that the women had been stressed about the ball, but now that it was over, it was some family and peace time.

"Oh Charlotte, I didn't see you there." She said as soon as Charlotte approached, "Did you need anything?" Charlotte shook her head with a smile.

"Oh please don't worry, Mrs. Malfoy. I'm fine." She said and looked around and saw it was just the two of them. "I just wanted to thank you for helping me last night." She said and the older women placed the cup on the small table in front of her and gestured Charlotte to sit down.

"Oh you don't have to thank me dear. It just so happens that I loved dressing up and everything, and you happen to be here." Charlotte had noticed the change in her behaviour. She was kinder and softer than when she had seen the women for the first time.


"Now –" Narcissa Malfoy stood up and started walking away, Charlotte following. "– now that the ball is done, it's some family time. We're building the altar; would you like to help?" she asked turning around and Charlotte beamed as she nodded.

"Of course Mrs. Malfoy, that would be great."

"I mean, I get the house decorated by the elves –" she continued "– but altar is a different story." She started walking towards the dining room.

Charlotte clung to her every word, wanting to know more about how the Malfoys' celebrated Yuletide. "We pray every day, and spend as much as time possible with the family."

The two sat down on the dining table, and there laid a parchment in front of Narcissa Malfoy. She was looking down checking some list, and talking at the same time.

"Last day we exchange gifts, and end the night with music and smiles." She looked up towards Charlotte who was smiling bright, and the women smile took over her own face.

"That sounds lovely Mrs. Malfoy." Said Charlotte, "But I might need to visit Diagon Alley sometimes. I had no idea that I might be visiting you before Dray offered, and did not get time after I accepted. I just need to buy presents." Narcissa Malfoy nodded and looked back at the list.

"Of course, I need to visit the Alley myself. Would you like to join me?" Charlotte agreed as Narcissa Malfoy started reading off the list. "Candles, ribbons, seeds, holly, ivy, mistletoes –"

"Why do you not tell the elves to get these things?" asked Charlotte and the women looked up at her. Narcissa Malfoy's eyes were suddenly hard and dark, and Charlotte looked down. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked." She apologised.

"It's alright, but I wish not to divulge in the topic momentarily, maybe sometimes later."


The day Charlotte was supposed to go to the Diagon Alley arrived and woke up early that day. Dressing up she pulled on a simple dress and heavy sweater, along with scarf she had knitted for herself. It was charcoal grey with her initials in Persian blue.

She heard a knock on the door and looked up. Draco stood there with a scarf wrapped around his neck and looked down at the watch as if waiting for her.

"Why are you all dressed?"

"I'm going too, now hurry up, mum is calling."

Charlotte picking up her purse walked out with Draco leading her to the entrance.

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