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Word Count: 4896

There was a constant throbbing in her head. She could hear people around her talking something, but again, she couldn't register anything. Not a single word. They were blending together as they turned gibberish.

She tried to open her eyes, but they felt stuck, heavy. She tried to move her hand, and tried to hold it up, hoping someone was watching and helping her.

"You need some help angel?" she heard a clear voice. It was closer than the others as she nodded her head. Or at least hoped that she actually was, and not just in her head.

"Alright, can you open your eyes?" asked another voice softly. She knew the first one was her father due to the use of her nickname, the second one though, she wasn't sure. She tried to move her head left to right saying no, and then came to a still. "Okay – now?" a few seconds later the heavy and stickiness was gone and she fluttered her eyes open.


It was too much light. Her head pounded even more as she tried to lift herself up for a better adjusting. Giving up, she laid there.

"Don't get up." said the voice, and Madam Pomfrey walked towards her with a small smile and a glass. She was still a little blurry, and Charlotte rubbed her eyes to get a better view. Her hands were weak, hell. She felt weak. "Here, drink this"

A glass was attached to her lips, and she chugged the vile tasting liquid.

"That's disgusting." Now her throat hurt. What the hell was going on? Her voice too, was rougher, and it sounded like she was eating gravel.

"Of course it is," said her father. Turning to look at him, she saw him in his usual black attire. There was a small smile on his face as he stared at her. "How are you feeling?" a small smile took over her own face.

"Like shit"

He gave her a nod helped her sit upright. The throbbing in her head was lighter, but she still needed support to sit up. She looked down at herself and saw not the muscle, but thin skin and bones. Like an Inferius, just not that dead.

"What the hell happened?" she asked him as he pointed his wand at her.

"I need you to sit still" he said not addressing her question. She did as she was told, and under two minutes of wand waving, she looked as healthy as before.

Her skin was back to normal thickness and colour. She didn't look like a living skeleton. Her muscles looked better, but in no way did she feel any stronger.

"Charms?" she asked. Her voice was back to normal too, yet she could still feel the roughness. Snape gave her a nod as she turned and placed her foot on the ground.

"A cover up" he replied, and handed her a glass. She looked at it sceptically, and Snape sat down the bed opposite. "It's just water."

She chugged the whole container, and more eight after that one. Finally placing the empty glass on the table, she looked at Snape for some kind of explanation.

"Now before you go and meet your friends, there are some things you need to know."


"First of all, it's last Saturday before the year ends" her eyes widened at that. How much time it had been, around six months? Probably.

"That's a long time"

"Yes. Well other students were un-petrified along with you two days after your birthday"

"That's 29th. Why didn't I wake up then?" she asked looking down at her hands. "It should take five minutes at max to come back to consciousness."

"That's right. And I don't know the reason." She was damn sure Dumbledore did. The old headmaster always knew. "Dumbledore has no idea" said Snape reading her mind.

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