Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Any fool can know

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"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." - Albert Einstein

Sorry for the long wait, I've had a ready busy past couple of weeks! Everything's sorted now, so I can get back to updating more regularly!

The warmth from the early morning sun envelops Alia as she walks towards the library with a black backpack around her shoulders. She left her house ten minutes ago, following a highlighted route in her mind.

When she was awoken by two alarms set only hours earlier, Alia rushed out of bed to plan her first lesson with Valen. Waking up at 8 am is not something she particularly enjoys, but she needed to have enough time before eleven to have everything ready. So, the first thing she did was reach underneath her bed and pull out an unopened box containing a brand-new laptop, courtesy of the Gamma, whilst leaving behind a smaller box that sat next to it.

Once everything was set up on a white, high gloss desk that resided in one corner of her bedroom, Alia went online to search for a nearby library.

Now, with the library in sight, Alia quickens her pace, eager to take out the textbooks she used during her time at university. She only has two hours until eleven and who knows how long it'll take her to find them.

The glass entrance to the library opens and two individuals wearing white hazmat suits exit the building, dragging behind them a disfigured, bloodied body. Alia stops in her tracks. Only now does the putrid scent of blood and flesh reach her nose.

Scrunching her nose in distaste, Alia decides to continue forward. She won't let a dead body derail her from finding the textbooks. She passes a white van with its back doors open. It contains the two earlier individuals standing on either side of the body with blood coating their gloved hands.

Deciding not to spare them another look, Alia grabs her backpack straps and walks towards the glass doors of the library, noticing another white van further ahead. It's odd, seeing vehicles in this day and age. She's only ever seen them in textbooks and movies, never in person. The lands of this Pack must be expansive to require such forms of transport.

Air-conditioned air blows from above as she steps into the library. Various, pungent scents slam into her senses, causing her eyes to water from the sting it brings.

Alia's body becomes right with shock as she slowly absorbs the gruesome scene. Dark red blood covers various desks and chairs, along with the wooden floors beneath them. If she didn't see the untouched furniture, she would have assumed they were red to begin with.

Four bodies lay scattered across the ground floor, some with limbs removed and others with their necks broken. A torn, tattooed arm lies atop one of the bloodied desks, the flesh pale with a strong scent of decay. One of the bodies remains on top of a table with their torso torn open and their insides out on display.

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