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2 months later

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2 months later...

"Are you nervous" Kiy asked watching as I packed A'moura and I's suitcase..

"Oh my god yes bitch... I'm definitely going to be high as a kite the next week so I can calm these nerves" I huffed finishing and zipping up our stuff.

"You think the mama gone be that bad?" Kiy asked laughing making me smile

"Actually no we've talked on the phone she seems sweet... but it's meeting his Babymama that's got me out of wack..  If I had it my way I wouldn't meet her at all" I said rolling my eyes picking my phone up to reply to Dave.

So things have heated up pretty fast with me and Dave.. He's basically been down here since we came back from Jamaica and if he wasn't here I was there in New York.. I met Kairi and she loved me.. and that's where the drama started..

His babymama immediately tripped out when Kairi came home and told her about meeting me so she been tripping about her being around me until we meet which I get as a mother but she's just being petty.. because apparently she's been around her boyfriend that she won't let Dave meet😒

But just to keep the peace I agreed and now the week has come and I just feel all
this anxiety in my body that this isn't going to go as smooth as I hope😩

I'm also meeting Dave's immediate family and coincidentally my Dad, God brothers and Angel will be flying into New York for business and decided to meet him as well so now you see why this is going to be a stressful week for me🥲

"Well i'll be down on Saturday so keep the peace til then" Kiy said patting my back making me smile.

"Shit i'll keep the peace as long as she does" I said
shrugging just as my phone started ringing.


"You packed? I'm about to scoop you and fat jaws up so we can head to the jet" Dave's deep raspy voice boomed through the phone making me

God this man voice does things to me🥺

"Yes baby we're packed and ready A'moura's downstairs in her play pen napping we're waiting"

"Bet I'll be pulling up in 5..i'll see you ina minute pooh"

"K Bye"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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