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A week. It's been a whole week since the whole Todd fucked another bitch in the same club as me break up and I have been a total fucking mess.

My dad keeps asking me what's wrong but I'm just mute or I'll tell him to leave me alone.

Kiy comes over everyday and checks on me but I don't want to be bothered.

G hasn't been around.

Maria went to visit her family in Puerto Rico so she hasn't even seen me.

All I have been doing is laying in my bed, crying, sleeping, eating nutella and pineapples, and watching American Horror Story on Netflix.

I just feel so betrayed. I feel like I'm ugly and fat all over again. If I wasn't then he wouldn't have cheated , right?

I mean she was really pretty, and skinny, and her hair was nice so I can see why he chose her.

I haven't been to school but my dad told me that I have to go tomorrow and that today I should be expecting a visit from somebody.

I honestly don't want to meet or talk to anybody right now.

"HELLO NIECY POO- well Oh my lord" some Light skinned woman said busting through my bedroom door.

She looks about 21 maybe 22

Shes was really pretty.

"Um who are you?"

"Well I'm your dads little sister Angel , so that makes me your Auntie Angel, but your gonna call me Angel because we too close in age for all that " she said laughing lightly.

"Oh hi, I'm Bria-"

"Child I know exactly who you are, Miss. Brianna Chantel Williams" she said snapping her fingers in a zig-zag motion causing me to giggle.

"and from what it looks like, my niece is either A , going through a break-up , B, got cheated on resulting in a break-up, or C, Mother Nature has come for a visit?" she asked with her eyebrow raised.

I sighed dramatically "B"

she moved some of my tissues and sat down next to me.

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