[thirty eight]

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When Draco and Narcissa finalized their plans for renovating the manor, they decided that it was best to keep the skeletal structure of the house. It was, after all, ancestral. Everything else, the walls, floors, doors, furniture, fixtures and halls, were to be replaced.

The reconstruction was well underway when they got there, forcing them to camp out in the pool house for the remaining two days of their winter break. Celine and Hermione were comparing notes and theories for the incoming term, while Draco played Quidditch with Pansy, Blaise and Theo outside. Narcissa was busy making sure everything was well in the house.

"I was thinking, we don't know where the stone is, right?" Celine said as she scanned Hermione's revisions


"Why don't we put extra wards around the common room? If Theo's right that his father's magic can't go through your protective enchantments, then it might do us well."

"See, that's what I don't understand. Is Theo's dad...someone we can trust?" Hermione frowned

Celine pursed her lips "Yes and no. I think it's best you talk to Theo about that yourself. The story isn't really for me to tell."

Hermione sighed as she glanced at the large windows to find their friends still enjoying the snow outside

"Well, you're about the wards anyway. We should get on with that as soon as we get back." Hermione nodded, silently deciding she was done reviewing Celine's work.

Their conversation ended upon the incessant tapping of an owl on the large window. "That must be mine." Hermione said and stood up, allowing the owl to enter and drop the letter on her hand.


You have no idea how happy I am you responded to my owl. I'm really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

I promise to come bearing gifts,


Draco's smile fell as soon as he walked into the pool house and found Hermione reading another owl, no doubt from their unwanted visitor. He tried to play it cool, but Hermione knew him better and tossed the letter for him to read.

"Mernie? What kind of horrid name is he calling you?" Draco scoffed

"Mernie?" Theo echoed, laughing as he peeled open an orange "Ridiculous."

"It's a childhood nickname. Not all children can pronounce Hermione correctly." Hermione rolled her eyes in exasperation "You guys better play nice. He's a really good friend."

"Who you only recently found out to be a wizard." Pansy pointed out as she took the seat next to Celine "Some friend that is."

"Well, I, for one can't wait to mess with this guy. You said he's coming over for a meal tomorrow?" Blaise turned to Draco

"If it pleases my fiancée." Draco mumbled begrudgingly

"And it does, so yes, he is coming over tomorrow." Hermione grinned

"Ten galleons he's only coming over to sway you from your engagement. He probably has no one else to ask." Blaise smirked

"No. Actually, he isn't awful-looking. He's got a nice build and very good hair." Celine nodded in appreciation "I think he's got a lot of girls pining over him, but, after realizing that his childhood best friend's actually a war hero.... Well, let's just say he's just in it for the fame. Fifteen galleons." Celine smirked

"Nice build and very good hair." Theo made a face "Let's be clear here. The definition of a nice looking chap is me. That American is in no way near the definition of 'nice build'."

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