chapter two: the man.

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"What the fuck," You inaudibly uttered to yourself, pain seething within your frame as you bumped into the large figure

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"What the fuck," You inaudibly uttered to yourself, pain seething within your frame as you bumped into the large figure. You bit your bottom lip gently, concealing the pain yearning to be released from your body. Your eyes locked upon the man, who remained planted in front of you, muscles flexing as he traced his fingers upon his bare skin.

"Sorry. And who must you be?" The tall man inquired, his rosy lips parting. He remained glancing at your facade, that unwillingly faltered, momentarily, whilst pain overtook your figure, welcoming its stay.

"Y/n, and you?" You asked, subtly soothing the area, blanketed with a thick sensation of pain, breathing lightly. You restrained the sounds of pain, pleading to dance away from your soft plump lips.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jean," The man proclaimed, a large smirk drawn lightly upon his narrow lips. He set his softened gaze upon you.

He had never encountered someone whose demeanour and mannerisms were displayed so differently. Though such little was able to be picked up on, from the way you acted, he still was able to grasp a hold of subtle hints. Subtle hints of what your characteristics were.

"Hey, nice to know you knocked the wind out of me!" You sarcastically told, sneering as the man seemed the slightest bit bothered. Asshole.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Just got distracted cause I've never seen you before." He abruptly stated, his eyes widening, uncovering the whites of his eyes as his eyebrows rose nervously.

His breathing hitches. His Adam's apple sauntered its way upwards and downwards, grazing itself against the skin on his neck. As this all occurred, he trailed his fingers along his shirt, in utter boredness.

"Fair enough, let's go meet up with Sasha," You let slip from your parted lips, in an absurd attempt in mellowing over the rather awkward predicament. The awkward predicament that rested in front of the both of you, blanketing over the atmosphere.

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