chapter twenty: the bitterness that swells within his heart/ unfair.

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10.2k words: a synopsis of acts: angst, indirect threats, guilt tripping, bottling up, light fluff, exposure, jealousy, crying, making up, suspicion, foreshadowing, slutshaming, hickeys + more acts. a/n: mind my errors. vote!

It seemed to be the morning. The hues that catered to your sight left you enthralled, taken aback by the softness of it, all as you glanced over Eren's shoulder. Though you weren't one to be so adamant to admit to what it was you felt within a few moments. You were rather enthralled by the feeling of Eren against you, his breathing soft. If you were honest, you assumed it was roughly eight am in the morning. Just from the way, the sky was still tinted with slight darkness, but not enough of its azure hue stained the unknowing sky.

You stirred against Eren's chest, smiling as he remained asleep, his hand resting against your lower back, solely so you didn't depart from this position. But even so, you held fear when it came to waking him up. You feared him leaving you for a few hours, having to encounter you as a stranger, all for not an ounce of suspicion to be aroused. Plus, you were unsure how you were to feel about your nightly actions. You were slowly becoming in sync with his emotions, though it was set to take dozens of months to become accustomed to.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Sasha and Mikasa exclaim, their tones causing you to bundle further within Eren. He did the same, being too hesitant to depart from you — he didn't desire all the commotion that occurred.

"Just a few more minutes. I was sleeping well," You admit to the both of them, burying yourself deeper within Eren as he remains silent. Silent in hopes of them eradicating their presence. He sought to experience the morning you, once that differed from the night time you.

"We have a trip to go to, lovebirds. Tell your boyfriend to wake up," You frown at her words, smiling at Eren as he pulled you closer to him, smiling back at you, his viridian eyes soft against your own.

"He's not my boyfriend," You avert your gaze from Eren's, your lips rather close to his own as he giddily smiled at you, his man-bun oddly intact. He definitely woke up to be pretty for you; it was evident.

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