chapter fifteen: tread lightly or the flame will spread abruptly.

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7.6k words: a synopsis of acts: light fluff, gentle angst, realisation, slight manipulation, suggestive activity, reassuring, vulnerability, jealousy, diary entry, cuddling, tension, exposed truths, sparks forming, an act of vulnerability. read with caution. vote.

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It was as if your heart had faltered as you glimpse through the peephole, your fingers soft against the delicate texture of the door. Your heart thudded vigorously as your name was poured from the lips of Armin, being spewed constantly, until your mind numbed from the panic of almost sheltering two people in the same home.

The two of them weren't entitled to knowing what you had promised them both. Never would you taint the promise to them, allowing suspicion to taint the atmosphere. Safe, you had to play it safe.

You had to, you couldn't allow a secret to bleed through the barrier you maintained. You couldn't allow yourself to be lost within your fantasies with another. You couldn't ruin the platonic warmth you held with Eren; you couldn't taint the dirty intimacy you held with Armin.

You couldn't. It was unlikely for you to inform the other of who they were to you. Or, for what it was that bound you to the both of them. Nor would you allow their lips to shift and cause uttermost distraught. You forbade their words to rest within another's nimble, soft palms.

You found yourself somewhat panicking, only to journey your way up the stairs with mere quickness, frantic at the distasteful revelation. How were you to speak if another presence laid nearby? If another heart pounded and thudded in a room the two of you had occupied on many occasions? How were you to shift their attention elsewhere?

To divert and erase the exposure of another? It was solely inevitable they were bound to meet each other, in this home, their eyes and minds clouded with crimson at the mistrust they held with one another. You would have to stall where and when you were set to encounter them.

THE HILLS ; eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now