chapter thirty-one: a fragment of a dreary past.

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8.3k words: a synopsis of acts: time skip, fluff, angst, crying, panic, comforting, talks of the past, past faces, teasing, cuddling, adjusting to ptsd + potential more. tw: damien.

a/n: smut: pending.

With a brittleness that stems through your unearthed bones, you attempt to seize the opportunity presented to you. An opportunity that lingers within the bustling hallways, riddled with undying commotion. Commotion that noticeably syncs with the one concocted on the day you caught a glimpse of Eren.

It is known to you that he is bringing himself to scour the halls, for the first time in months, to be greeted by the presence of you — you can practically feel his neediness grow more sincere.

Many grew crazed at the fame you had obtained, a fame that had only been piling — opportunities smearing you from left to right. Opportunities you hadn't brought yourself to focus upon acting on, as of yet.

Naturally, you are still so diligent, absorbing the gentle lifestyle you sustain with Eren, especially within the shared home he now lives within with you.

It completely ensures security, as Armin holds not a single chance of remaining within your presence. Furthermore, it is only fifteen minutes away from the gruelling college.

"Eren!" The bellowing of your boyfriend's name further indulges in the contentment that swirls within you.

Contentment that lingers from being aware that your boyfriend is in the process of searching for the entirety of you. He so desperately yearns for you to fill his comfort, within his merry arms.

"Your boyfriend is so desperate for a hug, Y/n," Connie and Jean speak with such soft fondness, their chuckles soft.

Jean couldn't help but sync with Connie, teasing you as you are capable of glancing at the man bun Eren sports — the one you had adjusted this very morning.

"Guys, can you make way for me?" You listen to the soft tone Eren smears on, leaving a gentle pit of assurance to sway within you. He is rather plausible to assure the public that his heart kicks back within your palms.

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