chapter seven: skewed studio.

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4.1k words.

Haze was all that was detectable within your sight as you darted around the atmosphere, eyes physically bludgeoned by the number of substances you had placed into your body. Swift and guided unmercifully by your feet you were as you remained helplessly attempting to string eye contact with whatever was within your view frame. Whatever it was that blocked your view of seeing what was in front of you. It was so disorientated, yet rather clear at the same time.

She couldnʼt pinpoint the exact location she was in, but she knew she was within the space of the home Connie lived in. She was heavily intoxicated, far from sober if many were to judge on such a situation. Her movements were far from limited, uncoordinated. She flitted around the atmosphere, her eyes inoculated with a tainted crimson as she inched nearer to a room with music evident.

Her feet continued to guide her as she was unbeknownst to where her conscious- slipping mind was navigating her tarnished frame. As to where the young woman was intending to go, was unbeknownst to the other unreachable drunks far from her existence.

You darted towards the room where music swayed, infiltrating the atmosphere of the room you seemed so far yet so, so, close to. It was eating away at your 'stable' mind. It plagued you, disparaged you to a point you were squeamish, yearning to swipe aside the voices that concocted for you to give in, sacrifice your bodily rights so it could take over.

Steering and fooling you into directions, which caused an unwelcoming feeling to dip into the depths of your frame. You felt far from sterile, sheltered away from a sight which etched away at your mind. You remained in hindsight, stupidly doing things youʼd never do if you were sober. Fuck, you were stupid considering the obnoxious thought that you could belt alcohol and weed with another.

You pressed against the door with the beads of music slipping through the chasm. Your movements are light but chaotic as you waltzed into the room, hand clasping onto the door and sliding it shut. You collapsed behind the wide door. Sliding yourself onto the ground, your arms - doused in goosebumps. You bandaged them around your knees. as a subconscious way to protect yourself from the unknown danger that lied ahead - in your mind. It Vigorously taunted and tugging at your profound sanity.

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