chapter eight: the day after.

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"Y/n, wake up. You have to attend an event with us. Think of it as a welcoming gift," Your eyes are sealed, seeking to not gather an ounce of light as Mikasaʼs hand lays on your cheek. She moves her hand carefully, checking if youʼre not burning with something feverous, something she sees as dangerous. Yet, despite the warmth of her hand, that trailed against your face carefully, you are stopping yourself from opening your eyes. It only took for a piece of information to cause you to focus. Focus on the words Mikasa had spoken of.

Mikasa nudges at your collarbone with tenderness as you stir in her grasp, light groans leaving your lips as pain rests inside your body.

"Mikasa," Her eyes glisten with desperation. You attempt to reason with the words she released into the setting, with such care, lovingness, not an essence of negativity as she held you, close and warmly within her broad arms.

"Yes, Y/n? Speak slowly, youʼre still in very bad shape. God, I even had to carry you to the car because you had passed out in Erenʼs studio. Girl was he pissed."

"Is it bad that I met him and couldnʼt see his face? He was blurry as hell. I canʼt remember anything, except what he said. Something about a deal and a concert...?" Mikasaʼs rather baffled at your complex wording. Her brows knit into one so complexly, youʼre worried about the words that were set to leave her lips. But, despite her conflicting reaction, she rested nearby you, a soft smile adorning her lips.

"He asked you to go to his concert?" Your eyes and body move to meet with hers as your lips part, not a word slipping by as your head shifts back, desperate to fall into unconsciousness as you were in between consciousness and unconsciousness. Nonetheless, the pain was still there, despite you slipping in and out of two states.

"Donʼt go sleeping now," You sigh, a hand being drawn to your head, replicating a force of a magnet as you continued In. You observed as Mikasaʼs hands rested in her lap while she slumbered upon the edge of your bed, deep in a thought process that dictated her movements. The fondness in her unfathomable eyes remained, yet it seemed as if she couldnʼt clasp ahold of what it was that swayed people to Eren.

THE HILLS ; eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now