chapter thirty: if anything happens, i love you.

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9.4k words: a summary of acts: time skip, fluff, gentle kisses, angst, confrontation, mental breakdowns, one-sided assurance, false hope, ptsd, finding peace, cuddling, sadness, assurance, straddling, slight intimacy, talks of the past + potential more. ignore errors + vote!

a/n: I miss y'all. y'all are so quiet. come back to me. T-T

Several weeks trickle by as you and Eren linger so peacefully within the cosy apartment you had settled within. Settled temporarily. Such temporary change fails to ensure you both assurance about your well-assessed arrivals to your dorms.

The two of you hold an ample amount of fear towards such a loathsome situation, your hearts dining into a meal that lingers with undisclosed poisons. Poisons that stem from a source you are both so heavily aware of.

A source you know would attempt to alter the recovery you have slowly progressed through.

Through the delightful recovery, you are exposed to an extensive amount of glee. The glee that shredded your melancholy atmosphere.

Well, a melancholy atmosphere that once surfaced, only to be beautifully diminished by the presence of Eren. He had relentlessly been aiding you with the mental progress you sought out.

But even as he has done so, he is aware that parts of you are unable to disregard and bury fragments of hurt. It is something that is solely expected.

He is still so heavily proud of the progress that had smoothed by; you hold a much-constructed form of happiness.

He is unable to figure out if it had stemmed from the peace between the two of you, and the explorations you both went on, the blissful, reoccurring, sex you were both so deeply into.

A recurring amount of sex that stemmed from trust, love and a beautiful connection almost honed to angelic perfection.

There is so much to the both of you, so much that has strengthened through that beautiful amount of time. You had even restored your body to before you had an overdose. This is something completed through Eren being sure that you weren't to take your medication for a while, honestly training your emotions.

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