chapter four: aang.

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What are you guys doing out here and who is that?" A voice boomed

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What are you guys doing out here and who is that?" A voice boomed. You wedged your fingers through the callousness of the sharp rocks.

You couldn't help but glance at the initials E + _ that rested on the old decaying beige bench that you all sat on. You felt rather odd. You fixated your hooded gaze onto the fairly faded piece of graffiti marks left by a person whose name began with an e.

"Connie, meet Y/n. Y/n meet Connie Springer." Sasha and Jean affirmed in an eerie sync. An eerie sync that caused a barren feeling to claw at your throat.

"Hey, Y/n, you new here?" Connie politely asks you, his tone entwined with a certain playfulness you found yourself enthralled within.

"I wouldn't say new, but I've been placed on this side of campus," You inform him, rocks buried within your palm. He sat his large figure beside your calm frame. You glared at him with a soft expression. A soft expression that complimented your features. A soft smile drew itself upon his face ― drowned partially with a light tan. You glanced at his body resting lazily beside you.

"I'm still not sure why we're not allowed over there. But anyways, Y/n, how did you get in this area? If Eren was here, you wouldn't live another day. Holy shit, you guys are setting her up―" Connie let out, his fingers pressing against his rosy lips. He engraved your presence within his mind.

"I had to go through a guy called Reiner, he was rude as fuck. He never said no, hi, hello, how are you, just who's this bitch, like, what the fuck." You elaborate, your tone soft, replicating an enjoyable texture similar to butter.

To Connie, your soft melodious tone was a gentle lullaby that soothed his tense self. He fiddled with the calloused skin he peeled nearby his cuticles.

He found himself effortlessly lost within the dozens of words that darted from your parted plump lips. He watched as rocks descended from your once-tight grasp. He observes them skimming across the foggy waters.

"Reiner's cool, but he's just whipped for Eren's place. Eren trusts him, and gaining Eren's trust is like dying and coming back after a few hours without complications. We've gained his trust, but still. It's so hard for an outsider to gain, especially when you meet the rest of the others. Marcel, Mikasa, Marco, Armin, Ymir and Historia. Historia is honestly so sweet so you'll have no problem with her." Connie reveals to you, rubbing his chin as he felt himself blank at what to say about the others.

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