part 1: beginnigs

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It's the first day of school the school is UA. You woke up early wishing you didn't, no matter how much you slept you were still tired. You rolled off the bed and put on your uniform, realizing it was slightly too big which you didn't mind the bigger the comfier, plus you could hold the sleeves in your hand. Your room was filled with canvases, paints, and paintbrushes it was a mess.

You grab your bag and go to the kitchen where your little brother is eating. You made two pieces of toast you never liked a big breakfast. Once the toast had popped out you put a good amount of butter on both pieces and sat at the table with your brother.

"Hey y/n? Have a good day and I hope you make friends" muttered your little brother, Kito.

You nodded in response, he knows you don't like talking in the morning. Kito finished the cereal he was eating and put something in front of you and ran to his room. It was a small bracelet with a metal heart locket, you opened it to see a picture of you and Kito when you were younger. You put the bracelet on. "For good luck, I'll just have to wear it".

You look at the time, it's time to walk to UA it's not far but still walking kind of sucks. You put your shoes on and start walking it's a nice morning. For most of the walk there you stare at the sky or your feet. Eventually, you got to the front gates they're huge, and you're so small. You walk towards the school eyes glued to the floor unnecessary eye contact is not needed this morning.

The walk to the door felt like forever staring at your feet makes you walk slower I guess. Suddenly you bump straight into someone, someone pretty tall for that fact. You look up to see a pointy-eared indigo-colored-haired boy who starts to panic.

" I-I'm sorry! I w-was standing in t-t-the way!" Said the boy.

"No no! I'm s-sorry I walked right into you" you said in a panic bowing your head deeply.

The boy panicked more seeing you bow and just turned his back and walked away as quickly as possible. Once you stood up straight you realized he was gone and a lot of people were staring. You blushed slightly, quickly going to change your shoes and get to your homeroom.

At this moment in time, you wished you could disappear or hide under a rock. As you changed your shoes you leaned your head on the shoe lockers for a second. It felt like you had a fever from the embarrassment.

Your shoes changed you speed-walked to your homeroom not even really knowing where you were going. You just wanted to get to your homeroom as fast as possible sit in the back of the room and die.

You walk up to class 3-F is your homeroom, why is everything in this school so big? You walk in there are a few people there you quickly take a seat in the back by a window. You started to daydream and hope the day would get better you already embarrassed yourself it can't get any worse right?

Tamaki Amajiki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now