part 6: I dont know what you want

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It was Saturday, you woke up and did your normal human person things and went straight back to your room. You've done all your homework except for the assignment that was given to you and you haven't even looked at it. The assignment was to make the costumes for people in the hero course and you got a random person and what they want their costume to be/ look like.

You opened the folder you got to see a picture of Amajiki, you found yourself smiling at the sight and ready to paint his costume till you will realized, he didn't give any reference or anything to what he wanted his costume to be. You sighed a heavy sigh.

You placed the folder down and ran out of your room. You had painted a small wooden sign and hung it on your door with your name. You had no clue where Amajiki's room was but you were determined to find him.

As you were storming down a hall you saw Amajiki and Mirio talking. "Come on Tamaki I'm sure whoever's going to make your costume wil-" Mirio got cut short as you grabbed Amajiki by the wrist and dragging him to your room. "Y-y-y/n! Are y-you ok?" Amajiki started to panic and your different mood from how you normally were.

You threw Amajiki onto your bed and started setting up all your painting stuff. "y-y/n are you a-angry at m-m-me or something" Amajiki said shaking almost to death.

You shook your head. "I'm in the support class you know that right?" You sighed slightly calming down and Amajiki nodded. "Well, everyone got someone they have to make a hero costume for and I got you but, you didn't put anything about what you wanted it to look like.." you frowned now feeling bad seeming angry at him.

Amajiki stood up and bowed deeply. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't even know w-what I w-wanted.." he almost said in a shout.

You shook your head and sat him back on the bed. "Its ok, Amajiki I need you to try and maybe explain what you'd want and as you explain I'll paint ok?" Amajiki nodded understanding your words and tried his best to explain. What he wanted.

~later that afternoon~

You had finally finished painting Amajikis costume, neither of you had eaten at all and you heard a loud growl come from Amajiki. "Ah! Sorry I didn't realize umm.." you walked over to the snacks you have and threw a couple at him and a water. He blushed a little and looked at you "I-I can wait t-to eat till later t-t-these are your s-snacks..." Amajiki mumbled.

"No, eat please I kept you for so long and yeah.." finally you walked over to the canvas and put both your hands on it.

Amajiki stared at you a little confused but started to eat an onigiri. You really focused on making this and finally the canvas turned into the costume for Amajiki. You folded it nicely and put it on the folder for your assignment. Amajiki sat there amazed with what you just did. "y-your quirk... you c-can m-m-make the things y-you paint physical" Amajiki said staring at you.

You giggled a little now very tired it took some energy to make that. "Its not that amazing but you'll have to wait to get that for awhile I still have to turn that in as an assignment." You flopped down in your bed next to Amajiki.

Amajiki's face turned a bright shade of red you were very close to him by his standards. "w-what else c-can you do with y-your quirk?" Amajiki asked glancing at you.

"Well, I can attach different things to my own body, I can make clothes like I just did and if I paint someone they have the same quirk and their like my minion and do what I tell them to" you shrugged "my quirk isn't re-" you got cut off by Amajiki which surprised you.

"Y/n y-your quirk is a-a-amazing! I've n-never seen s-someone with such a c-creative quirk!" Amajiki shouted then quickly covered his mouth realizing how loud he was which made you laugh a little.

"Thanks Amajiki... your quirk is amazing to! I just recently saw you use it and wow! Your so so strong I'm just a weak noodle who can paint." You scratched your head wondering why he thought your quirk was cool at all.

Something caught Amajikis eye a small canvas on the floor he stood up, grabbed it and took a good look at it. "w-why did you paint b-butterfly wings?" Amajiki questioned

You grinned and lightly took the canvas from Amajikis hands, yours guys fingers brushing against each others lightly making Amajiki turn a pale shade of red. "If I show you, you cant tell anyone ok?" You looked Amajiki in the eyes which made him loom away immediately and nod.

You smiled and turned your back to him placing the canvas on your back, between your shoulder blades, and activating your quirk. Two big bright shinny blue butterfly wings sprouted out of your back. Amajikis eyes went wide and he blushed heavily.

This time you painted the wings on a cardboard canvas so the wings were more perky and sturdy. "So what do you think Amajiki?" You turned to see him covering his face with his hands and through his hands said "I-I really l-l-like b-butterflies and t-the wings m-make you look r-really pretty.." Amajiki said somehow blushing more and your faced turned a bright red.

"T-Thank you A-Amajiki.." you mumbled embarrassed.

"Do t-they work? l-like can y-you f-fly?" Asked Amajiki.

Tamaki Amajiki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now