Part 34: this is our child

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Three weeks passed since what happened during winter break with you and Tamaki and now winter break was over and going back to school sucked. At least it was the weekend but Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki were all doing their part time hero work. You sat quietly in your room doing homework on a late Friday night well, more like early Saturday morning because it was 12:30 A.M. you were hella bored to be honest. You had finally finished your homework for a homework free weekend. 

However, because you were so bored you decided to make a bad idea. You put on Tamaki's hoodie, Grabbed your wallet and headed out your dorm room door. You did care for how late it was but you wanted to go for a walk also you wanted snacks from the convenient store down the street. You weren't allowed out this late so you had to sneak out the back door which was easy enough. The one down fall is as you were walking out the back door Tamaki was walking in. 

"y-y/n! what are you d-doing leaving t-the building this l-l-late?! and w-why are you awake?!" Tamaki shouted in a hushed whispered tone.

"um...I was doing homework and finished then got bored and wanted to go for a walk and get snacks.." You mumbled slightly embarrassed.

Tamaki simply sighed, he couldn't stay angry with you especially when you looked so cute in his hoodie. Tamaki grabbed you handed and tangled your fingers together. It was so cold outside and yet Tamaki's hands were so warm. It had bin snowing for awhile so the ground was coated with white powdery snow. 

You and Tamaki carefully walked to the convenient store as to not slip. One time, while walking you slipped and Tamaki had to try so hard not to laugh but he ended up laughing so hard he also slipped. You guys talked about that while walking. You ended up making it without a scratch and quickly grabbed the snacks you wanted and two things of hot chocolate because why not?

You payed for your stuff and walked back outside to Tamaki when you saw a small black cat. The poor kitty was shivering and trying to get settled in a wet box by the shop. You handed your bag to Tamaki and ran back inside to get some fish and water then immediately went back outside to the cat. Tamaki knew what you were doing the second he saw you saw the cat. You've never bin a dog or cat person you liked both. 

The second the cat saw you had food and water it ran up to you and let you pet its face. After you fed and gave it water though it started to follow you. "Tamaki.. I wanna keep it so bad..." You said before Tamaki could stop you from already putting it in Tamaki's hoodie you were wearing and it sticking its head out where yours was.

"y/n I-I don't think w-were allowed to h-have pets..." Tamaki said but you both kept walking to the dorms.

Once you got to the dorms your stared at the back door then the kitty cat. You didn't care if you got kicked out because of this cat nor did you care you'd probably have to live on the streets. All you knew was you were keeping this cat whether the school liked it or not. Spoiler.. they didn't give a single shit. But in this moment you were risking getting kicked out of UA high school for a cat.

You ran up to your dorm with Tamaki and the cat. "well... s-since you're k-keeping it what is i-its name?" Tamaki asked as the cat was over to him exposing its tummy to him.

"well I was thinking Kage, because it means shadow and he was lurking around the shadows and looks like one so you know" You mumbled looking to Tamaki for his approval.

Tamaki was to busy though laying on the floor next to Kage. "what c-color collar w-would look best on him? s-should it have a bell on it?" Tamaki said not really asking you nut thinking out loud to himself.

you and Tamaki haven't known Kage long but you both already love him very much. Tamaki the next morning went out and got him a very manly soft pink collar. It had a bell and name tag on it just for him. Tamaki also got shampoo because Kage did not smell great and lets not talk about how that bath went. It wasn't bad but Tamaki's poor face and arms are not doing ok. Tamaki was more concerned about you getting hurt them he was but he also didn't think kit would be that bad.

Kage did not like Tamaki for awhile after the bath but after being dried off and warmed up but your cuddles it all wasn't so bad. While Kage was napping on your bed and you were patching up Tamaki, Tamaki suddenly asked a question. "so y/n.. d-does this make u-us parents now? l-like is Kage our f-furr child?" Tamaki chuckled as he asked.

"well yeah I guess that does make us parents.. but until we live together he's staying in my dorm!" you said giggling and Tamaki threw a fit.

Its ok though because having you and Kage in one room meant Tamaki just had to come over more in his free time. which also meant cuddles between you, Tamaki, and Kage. 

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