part 4: this is akward...

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You gave a small wave to everyone. Nejire sat in the seat in front of you, Togata took the seat diagonally from you and Amajiki had no choice but to sit right next to you.

"So y/n i was wondering if you wanted my onigiri?" Nejire asked putting an onigiri on your desk.

"I'm not really hungry but if you want to eat it I guess I could" you mumbled slowly eating the onigiri.

Amajiki kept taking light glances at you while you were eating a sketching out ideas. Togata thought Tamaki was looking at cause he wanted your number so he gave him a little push. "So y/n i was wondering if me and my buddy Tamaki can get your number?" Togata asked and gave a wink to Amajiki.

"I mean ok I'll write it on a piece of paper for you two" you said mouth full of rice and ripped two pieces of paper from your not book.

You wrote your number on both papers and handed it to Amajiki and Togata. Amajiki was tense you looked at you. "T-Thank you" he mumbled you just nodded scared to make eye contact.

~later at home~

You were laying in your bed awkward from how lunch went. You and Amajiki briefly talked, briefly meaning quiet agreeing with someone and silent words to never mention what happened the first day of school. While laying in your bed you thought about how boring school is and that you finally made friends not that you cared or anything. Suddenly you dad yelled from down stairs. "Y/N COME DOWN HERE!" he screamed which you hated and were scared of so you ran down stairs.

Your father was holding a letter from UA which gave you a small fright. "I know you just started school at UA" your father sighed trying to act sad "but, UA announced that at the end of the week students will be moving there into dorms" your father accidentally let out a happy chuckle and smile.

Kito was at the top of the stairs listening and he started to cry. Your mother was also there and let out giggles and happy smiles. "I know they don't care that I'm leaving but they can at least seriously try to act like they do".

"Friday after school you'll go to your assigned dorm room and we'll already have dropped off your stuff there for you" giggled your mother.

You just nodded and without a word walked up the stairs to see Kito crying. You gave him a tight embrace "I'll still have a phone you can call and text me whenever." You whispered to Kito.

He nodded still silently crying and hugging you as tight as he could, he didn't want you to leave. You did want to because of your parents getting away from them but not wanting to for Kito. You lightly pulled Kito to your room and rummaged through your old stuff. "Y/n? What are you looking for?" Kito questioned.

Finally in a box you pulled out a small stuffed bunny with pink and purple spots on him. "This is spot when I was younger he kept me safe from all the sad things but now I think need him" you said giving spot to Kito which Kito tightly embraced spot.

You gave Kito an extra big hug. It was only Tuesday but Friday would come fast. Both you and Kito weren't ready to leave. You didn't know the reason UA wanted everyone to stay in dorms but either way it was gonna be ok.

sorry if these are too short soon I'll start making them longer and I'm sorry this is going so slow it'll be faster paced after this one

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