part 13: what is happening?

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You were laying in your bed it was Sunday night you and school tomorrow but you couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Tamaki Saturday. Tamaki kissed you.

After Tamaki kissed you he told you ,while staring at the wall, that you should leave. So you left and since then you both haven't talked at all. You passed each other in the hall once but he avoided you completely.

Shortly after you left Tamaki's Saturday Kito payed you a visit for a short while. He was so horribly worried about you.

You sighed and turned over trying to erase the thoughts of Friday night and Saturday. You fell asleep but soon after had a nightmare again.

You didn't try to sleep after that it was 2 hours till school started anyways so you started getting ready early. You opened your door to see snacks and drinks. The drinks were still cold so they were put there recently. You put the snacks away and picked up the small note. "I m so sorry y/n, I feel you'll never forgive me for what I've done.." you sigh and put it in the box. "I had a feeling the snacks were from Tamaki after a little mainly cause that one time he brought snacks it was super similar to the ones I got at my door.." you shook your head and started to walk to class.

You felt a hand on your shoulder it was Mirio. "Y/n me and Nejire were yelling for you did you not hear us?" Mirio questioned.

Tamaki was with Mirio and Nejire but he wouldn't even look at you. "Ah, sorry I just didn't sleep great last night... I keep having nightmares" you got chills down your spine remembering the people who kidnapped you.

Nejire, Mirio and Tamaki all had worried expression on their faces. They walked you to your home room. You didn't make it through most of the day. Luckily UA knew it was rough getting kidnapped so at anytime of the day if you felt over whelmed you were just allowed to go back to your dorm for the day.

You stayed at school for half of the day but when lunch rolled around you went to your dorm and changed into pjs. " I hate this... Tamaki wont talk to me and I keep having stupid nightmares.." you places your hand on your chest your heart started racing when you starting thinking about Tamaki. Slowly you drifted off to sleep thinking about him.

Suddenly you gasped and sat up quickly. School had just ended and put put your hand on your forehead. "Another nightmare at this rate I'm not gonna sleep any longer then a couple hours a night or day" you thought then heard a tiny knock and you quickly opened the door.

It was Tamaki, he was staring at his feet and you couldn't see his face. "Hey Tamaki! What are you doing here?" You asked and he looked up at you.

He looked like a mess his eyes were red and puffy like he was crying a lot and the tip of his nose was red. "I... you w-weren't there a-at lunch..." Tamaki mumbled biting his bottom lip trying not to cry again.

"You thought I got kidnapped again didn't you?" You said pulling Tamaki into your room and closing the door.

Tamaki nodded a little. "I know y-you weren't b-but every time y-your not i-in normal places I-I get worried a-again..." Tamaki mumbled "a-and I feel b-bad about Saturday I-I try to avoid y-you but then I-I worry more because I cant p-protect you..." Tamaki's eyes started to tear up and you hugged him, he hugged you back tightly.

"Tamaki don't worry, Saturday happened its fine... and I don't think Ill get kidnapped anytime soon" your heart ached thinking the kiss meant nothing to Tamaki.

"y-y/n... I-I like y-you a-a-a lot..." Tamaki mumbled

"Yeah I like you too Tamaki?" You looked up at him and tilted your head.

Tamaki shook his head. "n-no not like t-that...its t-the L word..." Tamaki's face started to turn red then you realized.

"Ah! T-Tamaki did you just confess to me?" You blushed and all Tamaki could do was nod.

You froze and all you could do was stare at Tamaki which made him uncomfortable. You quickly looked away. "Your n-not just saying hat cause I like you r-right?" You said.

"No o-of course not! I-I really like you y/n.." Tamaki said lifting your head to meet his eyes and rub his nose against yours. "Um... this w-weekend m-maybe I could t-take you out on a d-date..?" Tamaki mumbled.

You smiled and nodded. Tamaki hugged you tighter. "So um... are we dating?" You asked Tamaki.

"Well...I-I think so? Um.." You and Tamaki stood there confused to if you guys were dating.

"m-maybe we should w-wait to put a label on t-this.." Tamaki said and you agreed.

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