part 17: Tamaki what is this?

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It was 4 in the morning. You were dead asleep in your dorm room. Suddenly the smallest squeak of your dorm room door woke you up. You sat up to only see a dark silhouette of someone and your first instinct was to throw a canvas at this person so you did. In fact the person seemed very off guard and hit them right on the head.

"o-ow.. y/n p-please don't throw stuff at me.." said a very familiar voice, it was Tamaki.

Tamaki turned on your desk lap and pointed it to the ceiling so you wont be blinded. "Ah! Tamaki! I'm so sorry!" You said jumping up and giving him a big hug.

"Its o-ok I should have g-guessed you'd be freaked out.." Tamaki said giving a slightly pained chuckle.

Tamaki lifted you very little off the floor and walked to your bed and sat down. You still felt bad for throwing a whole canvas at his head so you kissed the part on his head the canvas hit. Tamaki blushed a little.

"y-y/n I'm ok r-really.." Tamaki mumbled.

"Good for you but I feel bad and when you kiss an owey it makes the pain go away" you said when Tamaki started laughing silently.

Your face turned bright red. Not only did you say something a child would but also Tamaki looked cute when he laughed. Tamaki kept laughing and eventually calmed down and looked at you with a big smile.

"Thank you y/n t-the kisses made my h-head all better" Tamaki planting a small kiss on your cheek.

"Yeah yeah whatever.. what are you doing here at 4 a.m.?" You looked at Tamaki and he blushed.

"w-well...I was gonna c-come in and c-cuddle you to surprise you f-for when you woke up b-b-but.. I woke you up..." Tamaki said in a sad and nervous voice.

"I-I realize that's a-a little creepy saying that o-out loud.." Tamaki said biting his lip.

"Yeah a little but its also very sweet thank you Tamaki" you said giggling and giving Tamaki a peck on the cheek and after letting out a yawn.

"You know Tamaki, you seem not a bit sleepy its kind of funny" you said rubbing your eyes and Tamaki tucking you into bed.

"Yeah I-I couldn't sleep much.." Tamaki mumbled and turned off the desk light and got ready to leave.

"Noooo Tamaki don't gooooo, Ill be so lonely..." you whined but Tamaki gave you a small kiss on the forehead and left.

You fell asleep soon after and felt the happy feeling you do when your lover kisses you.

~the next morning~

You woke up at 12 in the after noon. You were over heating even with your fans going but it was whatever. You flopped on the floor and wondered why Tamaki wasn't there. It made you sad but instead of sulcking you decided to paint, in fact you ended up painting till almost 4 in the afternoon. Once you realized the time you freaked out a little.

First off, you painted for 4 hours straight and second, Tamaki didn't text, call, or come over at all. As you grabbed a couple things and went to run out of your dorm room there stood Nejire about to open your door.

"Oh hey y/n, have you heard from Tamaki or was he with you?" Nejire said peering into your room but you shook your head.

"I haven't heard from him since 4 a.m. last night when he came over." You said starting to get worried.

Nejire looked at you confused. "Y/n I'm pretty sure that must have bin a fever dream or something because Tamaki spent the night with Mirio" Nejire said starting to look concerned.

You felt your chest tighten, but you knew he was there because the canvas you threw at him was in the same spot it landed. And your desk lamp was still turned up to the ceiling. "If h-he spent the night Mirio shouldn't he be there..?" You asked picking at the sides of your fingers.

"Yeah Mirio woke up with him at 6 a.m. but Tamaki was suddenly in a rush to leave. But that was the last Mirio saw and heard from Tamaki" Nejire shrugged.

"I'm sure he's fine its just unlike him to not respond to his friends you know? Anyways I have to get going bye!" Nejire said running off.

You closed your door. "Yeah I'm sure he's fine right? He couldn't have bin kidnapped or anything. He's to strong for that and Mirio saw him at 6 a.m. but its 4 p.m. now.. maybe he's just training" you tried to take deep breaths trying not to freak out.

You ran over to the canvas you threw and picked it up and setting it down then putting the desk lamp in its proper position. And for some reason you started to clean up your dorm room. You were trying so hard not to worry that you started stress cleaning.

Without knowing it you starting crying while cleaning. And soon you started sobbing. You tried to tell yourself he was ok but you were so scared and worried. You were sobbing so hard you couldn't breathe and then there was a small knock on your door.

You looked like a mess you didn't want to open it. You also couldn't control your sobbing and through tears you yelled. "Go away, I'm busy!"

You kept the sobbing silent till you were able to hear the person walk away from your dorm. But instead the door opened slowly and when you looked over it was none other then Tamaki. The second he saw you he got a super worried face and ran over to you.

"y-y/n! Hey what's wrong!?" Tamaki said quickly pulling you into a hug.

"You dummy! I was so worried!! Why didn't you text anyone back?! What the hell Tamaki!" You yelled clinging to Tamaki.

Tamaki let out a small sigh "I-I'm sorry y/n p-please stop crying.." Tamaki said in a hushed voice and rubbed small circles on your back. " I should h-have texted you or called y-you.. but I wanted t-to something b-big for you.. like a-a big date.." Tamaki mumbled which made you look at him quickly.


Tamaki Amajiki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now