Part 32: Its been a year now

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Accouple weeks had passed since your birthday and since then you've bin trying to find the prefect gift for Tamaki for your one year anniversary. You and Tamaki weren't the people to celebrate by month, it was kind of stupid. After trying to search everywhere for the perfect gift for Tamaki you gave up and decided to just go to what you do best and hand make something.  Not only were you good at painting but also at crafts well kind of.

It was Saturday you and Tamaki agreed that Tamaki would meet you at you dorm. The plan was to do something romantic but not anxiety inducing to either of you. So you both decided to try and make dinner together at Tamaki's house and not yours because of your family and how they are. Plus Tamaki's family was out of town and allowed him to use the house your anniversary. 

you had just finished your gifts for Tamaki and neatly wrapped them when you realized it was 10 minutes till you had to be ready. You hadn't showered or gotten dressed at all which was an issue. You quickly jumped up and looked for something nice to wear that was cute.  You could go with the basic route and simply put on a cute dress or be a little more work route which doesn't grantee you looking great but its something. You didn't have a choice but to do the more work because you haven't done laundry in awhile. 

You hurriedly grabbed a plaited skirt, black long sleeve turtle neck which was actually a little to big for you and fish nets. Your thigh highs were dirty and you hadn't had the chance to wear your fish nets yet which Nejire gave to you because she was never going to use them. As fast as you could you took everything off and threw them aside and almost falling over. It just so happened you completely forgot to lock the door and someone opened the door. Luckily it was just Tamaki well you thought it was but Mirio was right behind him and saw everything. 

It was all very sudden seeing Tamaki open the door while you're half naked and realizing Mirio was there. Tamaki's face turned red and quickly closed the door after realizing you didn't have clothes on but it was too late Mirio saw. "Tamaki knock next time!!" you shouted from inside the room.

Mirio stood on the other side of the door with Tamaki in shock. "I'm going to go now" Mirio said leaving back to his dorm.

Tamaki felt bad that Mirio saw that and Mirio also felt bad he saw that. "Y-Y/n Mirio left c-can I come in?" Tamaki asked quietly up against the door.

You just finished getting dressed and damn did you look stunning. You grabbed a small backpack and put Tamaki's gifts into it and of course your phone. You walked out of your room to meet Tamaki's eyes and Tamaki's face turned a deep shade of red seeing you. "w-w-wow y/n y-you look h-hot" Tamaki mumbled covering his mouth lightly with his hand.

You blushed and turned away from Tamaki, your hair was kind of a mess but it made you so much cuter that way. Tamaki lightly grabbed your hand, interlacing your fingers together and started walking to the train station. It was mostly silent while sitting on the train and everything it 5 p.m. by the time you got to Tamaki's house. In fact it was prime time to start making dinner which was going to be rice, chicken katsu, and mildly spicy curry. 

You've bin to Tamaki's house once for a date. Tamaki had already bought the stuff you'd need to make dinner. "you r-ready to s-s-start making dinner y-y/n?" Tamaki asked with a smile and you nodded smiling back at him.

Tamaki started by washing the rice then putting it into the rice cooker because everyone has a rice cooker. You started on getting the bread crumbs and egg mixture ready for chicken katsu, while Tamaki started to work on the curry. It was fun cooking with Tamaki at one point Tamaki thought it was funny to put his hand on some flower and leave a hand print on your skirt where your butt is.

finally about an hour later after you and Tamaki giggling and Talking about random things while cooking and you almost burning his house down dinner was finished. Tamaki pulled your chair out for you and sat you down. "I'll s-serve you y/n just s-sit and relax" Tamaki said with a big smile.

you sat down and Tamaki pushed your chair in, then grabbed you a plate putting a little bit of everything onto it and getting you water. Tamaki set your plate onto the table then got his own plate and sat across from you. Tamaki ate his food so fast it must have bin good, you obviously took longer but it was fine Tamaki didn't mind in fact he got seconds. After eating and doing the dishes you opened each others gifts.  You felt kind of bad because your birthday was just a week ago and Tamaki had gotten you more gifts. 

you wanted Tamaki to open your gifts first so he did, You made him a painting it was a forest with a sunset all the colors blended well together and it had a small poem on the back that said "If you stopped smiling the world would stop turning and if the world stopped turning then everyone would die please keep smiling." Tamaki seemed so happy but there was more, you made a small octopus with popsicle sticks, painted it and put a light in it so it lit up when the switch was flipped it'd turn on. Making that took forever lots of accidental cuts from the popsicle sticks.

Tamaki was so happy with what you made him and even though hand made gifts were so much better than bought ones Tamaki wasn't the most creative person. You got to receive Tamaki's gift now it was only two things because he knew you'd feel bad if he got you to much after he already got you stuff for your birthday. So he simply got you some very comfortable slippers because you needed some and an LED duck just because he thought you'd like it and you very much so did.

After exchanging gifts you guys started to head back to the dorms it was getting late. It was almost 9 p.m. but to be honest you guys stopped for ice cream even though it was cold ice cream is always a nice treat to have.  After ice cream you guys took the train back to the dorms. Tamaki gave you a piggy back ride all the way to your dorm. " h-happy anniversary y/n I-I love you" Tamaki said giving you a peck on the lips.

"Happy anniversary Tamaki I love you too" you said kissing him back then going into your room and locking the door behind you.

you smiled to yourself you were so happy to be with Tamaki and honestly you couldn't be happier.


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