Part 33:today is a little hard

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The following week of school Tamaki didn't seem to be doing the best. He was doing hero work part time also Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki were named the big three. If you don't know what that is then why are you here? I don't have time to explain this. But, because of the part time hero work and getting more peoples attention which didn't help his anxiety. Also because of work he wasn't able to see you most weekends when he really needed cuddles.

It was winter break now, exams had just finished up which put everyone in the school in a stressed anxiety filled place. It was the first of two weeks you got for winter break. You were laying in your bed, it was 4 a.m. for some reason you couldn't go back to sleep you were worried about Tamaki. Not only when you were able to see him he was distant but on your laptop watching the news and seeing him fight he always looked so stressed. 

so at 4 in the morning  you decided to grab snacks you had bought yourself, Tamaki stopped bringing you snacks because of how busy he was. You grabbed some of Tamaki's favorite snacks and headed to his dorm room as quiet as possible as not to wake others. You went all the way to Tamaki's dorm and stood looking at the door. " should I really go in? he has bin distant maybe he doesn't want to be around me right now?"  You thought till you heard quiet shuffling around from inside his dorm.

Tamaki was awake unless he sleep walks but you're pretty sure he doesn't. You lightly knocked on the door and the shuffling stopped for a moment then headed to the door. The door opened and you saw a very tired and crying Tamaki. You were startled and dropped all the snacks for Tamaki and quickly hugged him. Tamaki hugged back tightly, he was so sad you could sense it but you didn't want to ask about what was wrong right away. 

You looked up at Tamaki and lightly wiped away his tears. Tamaki still had a tight hold on you he really really must have missed you. "Tamaki can you let go of me please?" you mumbled but Tamaki shook his head.

"please Tamaki? I need to grab your snacks then we can go in your dorm and cuddle for awhile ok?" You said lightly running your fingers through his hair.

Tamaki pouted then let go, you gathered his snacks and went into his dorm setting the snacks down on his table. Tamaki hugged you from behind and rested his head on your shoulder, he was very touchy and needy. "y/n...I'm sorry" Tamaki mumbled starting to cry again.

You turned around to give him a big tight hug. "you have no reason to be sorry Tamaki" you said pulling Tamaki over to his bed and sitting him down. 

"I-I do have r-reasons...I-I've bin distant a-a-and working so m-much...I-I'm not even t-that great of a h-hero.." Tamaki's voice trailed off and his lip started to quiver.

you grabbed his face and made him look at you. "you are the greatest hero I've seen! I think your a great hero! rank doesn't matter that's all so stupid! why did we decide ranks should be a thing?" you started shouted then you heard Tamaki chuckle a little.

"y-y/n you s-sound like a villain w-when you say that" Tamaki chuckled and you pouted.

You ruffled up Tamaki's hair and lied down in his bed. Tamaki looked  over at you and got all comfortable next to you. You pulled him close to you and Tamaki wrapped his arms around you in a safe close cuddle. "do you have hero work today?" you mumbled starting to get tired.

Tamaki shook his head and let out a big yawn. "y/n I k-know you like m-music to fall asleep t-to do you want me t-to play some?" Tamaki asked and you shook your head.

slowly and quietly the two of you fell asleep in each others arms. you still have not a clue why Tamaki was so upset and not able to sleep. Maybe it was he just felt guilty for not seeing you as much or something happened in hero work or maybe girls were bothering him again. but all you knew was Tamaki felt much better after this long nap you took.

It was about to be 1 in the afternoon, you started to wake up but Tamaki was still fast asleep so you layed there for awhile waiting for when Tamaki was ready to wake up. You didn't just want to sneak away while he was asleep that would make him sad. but damn was it boring just lying there waiting for him to wake up so you started humming to yourself a sweet little tune. 

"you know I wonder what would've happened if me and Tamaki didn't start dating or didn't even meet at that. Its not like I wouldn't want to be with him just where would I be right now without him? what about him? such an odd thing to think about..." you thought looking up to Tamaki still quietly humming. staring at Tamaki's sleeping face. 

Most of winter break was spent with Tamaki when he wasn't doing work stuff also kind of made you upset that Tamaki now did training while at work so you didn't have to help. but either way you and Tamaki spent time together again which was nice. To bad that winter break always ends to soon luckily summer was right around the corner which meant summer break and your final year of UA.

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