part 30: meet my brother

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Ah yes waking up to the morning sun shining on your face on a lovely Saturday. Too bad it wasn't it morning it was getting to around 3 in the afternoon. You slowly opened your eyes and turned your head to see Tamaki's sleeping face. "Oh yeah I stayed the night.. well kind of ahhhhh so embarrassing don't think about it!" You blushed a little then felt Tamaki pull you closer to him and groan.

"Y/n what time is it...?" Tamaki grumbled in a low voice.

You looked at the clock, 3:17 p.m.
"Well its almost 3:20 in the afternoon so.." you mumbled then Tamaki's eyes shot open and he jumped up from bed.

Tamaki quickly started getting dressed. "Sorry I-I cant stay to cuddle y/n b-but I was supposed t-to be training w-with Mirio at 3!" Tamaki said quickly giving you a kiss "you c-can stay here for till I-I get back if you want I love you y-y/n"

Tamaki quickly ran out the door. You decided why not just stay there and hey you could finally finish Tamaki's hero equipment. You got out of Tamaki's bed and the towel you had to your wound that Tamaki accidentally did fell to the ground lots of blood was soaked up. "Damn maybe I should clean that up.." you thought grabbing the towel and small first aid kit that Tamaki had in his room.

You sat on the floor and started cleaning the bite wound carefully. After cleaning it you took a picture of it with your phone to see how bad it was because you cant just turn and look at it. You thought it couldn't be that bad but when you looked at the picture it looked pretty bad. "Ah jeez! Tamaki! It didn't hurt that bad but it looks awful! That's definitely gonna scar and take awhile to heal.." you thought.

You didn't put a Band-Aid on the wound that honestly wouldn't do much for you. So you went to painting Tamaki's equipment again starting where you left off the night before. You even started a new painting.

You painted for an hour and a half just about before Tamaki walked back in the door and smiled when he saw you were still there. Tamaki sat behind you and hugged you from behind. "Hi y/n" Tamaki said kissing your cheek.

You smiled, you had just finished everything you needed to. "Hi Tama" you said and turned yourself around to hug Tamaki.

You melted into Tamaki's arms. "Y/n y-you still haven't c-changed out of my shirt.." Tamaki mumbled moving the shirt to the side to see how bad the bite was. "That l-looks a lot w-worse now.. I'm sorry y/n..."

You shrugged and fixed the shirt. "Eh its ok Tamaki it doesn't really hurt at all Ill be ok" you said smiling at him.

Tamaki gave you a weak smile back and looked over to the clock. It was 5 p.m. on the dot. Tamaki got up from your hug and headed for the door. "I'm gonna go g-grab us dinner o-ok? Ill be r-right back" Tamaki said before leaving and in this time you decided to quickly run back to your dorm and change clothes.

After you changed you put on one of Tamaki's hoodies that he let you have awhile back. It was starting to get cold again in fact it was about to be you and Tamaki's 1 year anniversary wow how time fly's. You were about to walk out the door when you saw your little brother Kito was about to knock on your door.

"Oh, hey sis!" Kito said giving you a big hug.

"Hey Kito..umm" you struggled to find words to tell your little brother you were about to eat dinner with your boyfriend.

"Y/n are you busy? Did I come at a bad time?" Kito asked looking sad but you quickly shook your head

"No no! Well I was going to have dinner with a friend but you can come to his dorm with me I'm sure he wont mind" you said smiling and Kito looked at you funny.

Kito didn't know Tamaki was your boyfriend or that you even had a boyfriend ever. You led Kito to Tamaki's room and sat down at the small tabled Kito sat next to you. Kito looked at your paintings you had done, he knew they were yours because of your painting style. "Hey sis, is this equipment for someone in the hero course?" Kito asked.

"Yeah there for my friend actually I'm in charge of all his equipment and costume and all that stuff" you said looking closely at one of the paintings.

Suddenly the door opened and it was Tamaki with two bags in his hands. "Y/n I- umm w-who is that?" Tamaki mumbled closing the door and looking at Kito.

"Well Tamaki this is my little brother Kito he came to visit me" you mumbled.

"Wow sis already on a first name basis with this guy?" Kito grumbled.

Tamaki set all the food down, this was very awkward. You grabbed some food for kito and handed it to him. "Yeah were just really good friends.." you said lying.

"Y/n I can tell when your this dude your boyfriend?" Kiti said glaring at Tamaki.

Tamaki started shaking and you blushed a little. "Umm well yeah he is" you mumbled.

"Ok well mr whoever you were lay a hand on my sister and Ill murder you Ill purposely become a villain just to murder you" Kito glared at Tamaki.

Kito gave you a big hug for the rest of dinner Kito stared at Tamaki. At 7 p.m. Kito left and Tamaki could finally relax. "y-y/n your brother i-is scary..." Tamaki mumbled pulling you close to him with a hug.

"He can be yeah but don't worry Tamaki they were empty threats. He couldn't hurt a fly is he wanted to" you said giving Tamaki a small kiss.

"You s-should go back to y-your dorm for tonight ok y/n?" Tamaki said you nodded.

You went back to your dorm and put all your painting stuff away. You layed in bed looking to your calendar. No one knew when your birthday was it never really came up in convo but it was Friday next week. You never celebrated your birthday after your quirk manifested so you didn't find a point in it really.

Tamaki Amajiki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now