part 10: you're my hero

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You were kidnapped to put it bluntly. You blacked out and now you're in some weird basement in a cell. You woke up finally startled and scared you couldn't see anything but you heard a deep voice. You saw yellow glowing eyes.

"Ah finally you slept from the time we knocked you out to the next day good morning y/n" said the voice then turning on a small light barley lighting the room.

You saw this person he was just a portal and eyes pretty much. "g-good morning..." you mumbled.

The shadow guy put some food in the cell for you and water then left. Villan's captured you. "Fuck how did this happen? How did they know my name? I'm scared.." tears started to fill you eyes putting some bread in your mouth.

Tamaki's POV

after the sports festival everyone had hero internships. Everyone was away and Tamaki was interning at fat gums agency. The one thing that could ease his mind was the fact the Fat gum agency was trying to find you so he got to accompany fat gum to look for you.

"Y/n...where could you be? Why was it you? Why not me or someone else... like Mirio he'd be able to escape easy.." Tamaki thought.

~a day later~

Your POV

Later after you woke up the day before some guy with hands on his body and face. Both people questioned you about weird questions. One of them being if you also wanted to be a villan. You told them no and even if you did you would be useless to them.

One perk of having a weak quirk is your useless to hero's and villan's. But you sat in your cell bored wishing you could paint. "So the villan's knew my name... but do they know my quirk? They had access to the school files so they probably do.." you thought when the shadowy man came down with your food and set it down.

"Hey you have anything I could do..? Like paint?" You asked scared for the answer.

He stood staring at you and thought for a second. Then ran upstairs and came back down with painting stuff and put it in the cell. "I know your quirk but I think you know if you use it you're going to be dead where you sit" the man said in a chill tone then left.

You shivered and counted the canvases and nodded. "Time to put this plan that could kill me into action!" You thought and painted 4 canvases on one making more canvases for you. You started painting a butterfly of somewhat normal size and darker colors so it wont be seen as easy. You made the butterfly come to life and gave it a small note and gave it strict instructions. "Find the closest hero and give this to them stay out of sight" you said in a low voice and shook the butterfly off.

You started painting something basic for how you felt to help the fear you had. "Please either release me soon or little butterfly get someone to save me..."

The butterfly left through an air vent to the outside keeping a tight grip on the note and flew to find a hero. A couple hours went by you painting and the butterfly searching then the butterfly saw Tamaki and Fat gum and flew down to them quickly it was evening.

"Wow never seen a butterfly like this" Fat gum said having the butterfly in hand and seeing the note.

He took the note and unfolded it gently. Reading it he sighed. "Ok then little guy show the way" fat gum said the butterfly flew as a good pace.

"w-why are we following a-a butterfly?" Tamaki asked following Fat gum.

"The kidnapped person sent it were gonna go save them" he said confidently and Tamaki's eyes widened.

Eventually they came up to a small bar. Unsure of how safe they had to be careful if anything happened they could kill you. You were finished painting and saw your butterfly come back from the air vent. "Considering it came back hero's must be here...either I'm gonna get killed cause their here or Ill get out alive...positive thinking only!" You thought when someone had quietly come down from the air vent. Why were the air vents people sized?

You looked up to see Tamaki and your eyes started to tear up and you quickly got up. "Amajiki!" You whispered your eyes meeting.

His eyes filled with tears and quickly opened the bars and grabbed you pulling you into a safe secure hug. "I'm s-so happy your ok.." he whispered immediately going back threw the air vent and getting you out no fight needed that's good.

Once out you were brought to the fat gum agency for questioning on what happened. You did what you could explaining the people you saw it was late once that was done and using the butterfly used a good amount of energy keeping it "alive" for hours.

You stepped out of an office it was dark out and Amajiki was outside waiting for you patiently. It was his last day of interning and of course it was Friday. You ran over to him and gave him a big hug not letting go. It startled him at first but once he realized it was you he melted into the hug.

"Your not a-allowed to go anywhere b-by yourself anymore" Amajki said you looked up at him.

"I think that's fair... I guess you'll just have to go everywhere with me" you smiled your voice breaking and your body was shaking.

You were trying not to cry. Amajiki realized that but didn't quit know how to comfort you. "l-lets go quickly t-the last train will l-leave soon a-and if it makes you f-f-feel safer t-then... you c-can sleep in my room" Amajiki said ruffling your hair which you nodded to and got going to the train station.

UA was already notified that you were found and so were your parents not that they cared you were kidnapped however your brother cared very much and planned on going to see you the following day. Even if it meant he had to sneak out to get away from your parents.

"Why would they kidnap someone from the support class? Its so weird.." you thought sitting on an empty train next to Amajiki heading back to UA.

Tamaki Amajiki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now