Part 36: summer time snuggle time

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It was still early summer but about 3 weeks had already passed in your summer break. Tamaki was often times working but would randomly visit you in the middle of the night. You started staying up super late just to see him but he preferred when you were asleep because you just looked so adorable. on this one night you were sitting awake hyper focused on a painting you were working on. In fact you haven't eaten or drank water all day because you were so focused on it. 

It was 12 a.m. and you started this painting at 9 a.m. the day before. All day you only had music playing and focused hard on the painting but still making sure to feed and water Kage. Tamaki started giving you warnings if he was coming over or not late and this night he said he was not. Which meant Tamaki couldn't be angry at you for staying up late is he didn't know. 

While staring at your canvas adding more paint and bending it with more paint you heard the door creek open then the dropping of bags. You slowly turned around realizing you didn't know what time it was or even what year at that point. It was like when you take such a long nap that You forget you even existed. When you turned around you saw Tamaki and his face said it all he was angry.

"y/n!! y-your supposed t-to be asleep! didn't w-we agree you were supposed t-to be asleep by 10?" Tamaki shouted but not very loud.

You shrunk a little and put your paint brush in the paint water. "well...I got to focused on this painting and forgot about the world...but also you said you wouldn't be here! did you lie to me?" you said quickly trying to change the subject.

"Stop trying to change the s-subject y/n! I d-didn't think I'd be able t-to make it but I did!" Tamaki started "And b-because I wasn't g-gonna be here you stayed up late p-painting!!" Tamaki finished and shouted.

You pouted and crossed your arms slightly angry at Tamaki for thinking you stayed up on purpose. Tamaki sighed angrily and started putting away snacks he got you in your snack cabinet. "d-did you even eat today!? I b-bet you didn't again.." Tamaki said sounding disappointed.

Tamaki then put the drinks away " you probably didn't d-drink water either!" Tamaki groaned then stood up and walked over to you.

"y-y/n seriously we talked a-about you sleeping regularly!" Tamaki said lightly grabbing your shoulder.

you were angry and for some reason you took your shirt off and stared at Tamaki in the eyes. " I don't know why you get to stay up late I mean yeah you work late but that's not fair! I started selling my art so technically I'm working!" You said calmly but a little loud to Tamaki.

Tamaki was blushing like crazy and couldn't even look at you, for some reason taking off your shirt made it easy for you to talk. Tamaki struggled to try and even say words he couldn't focus when you were shirtless. "y-y-y/n can y-you please p-put a shirt o-on?" Tamaki mumbled and covered his mouth with his hand a little.

"why? cant focus can you?" You said crossing your arms and grinning knowing very well you've won this fight.

Tamaki covers his eyes and started talking to you "I-I'm sorry yelling y-y/n I'm just w-worried about you sometimes.." Tamaki mumbled and you sighed putting your shirt back on. 

Tamaki looked at you and gave you a small kiss on the lips. "I-I'm happy you're selling your a-art I bet s-so many people will want to buy them" Tamaki said planting kisses all over your face.

You smiled brightly and looked up to Tamaki. What a wonderfully handsome and amazing man he was. He chose you of all the 7 billion people he chose it was you and only you It'll only ever be you, to him you are the air he breathes. To you he's the reason you wake up in the morning. How did you ever get so lucky to have a man like him?

" Tamaki I don't tell you this enough but I am so lucky to have you in my life and I love you so so much" You said  quietly but just loud enough for Tamaki to hear and blush.

"I-I love you more y/n a-and don't fight me a-about it again like last time!" Tamaki said getting more embarrassed and hiding his fast in your neck.

You both stood there in the middle of your room holding each other, lightly swaying side to side. It was as if for this time and this time only your heart rates synced up with each others. beating at the same time like when your heart rate matches the beat of a good song. This was who you were spending your life with for sure and you both knew it and nothing was going to tear the two of you apart. No argument, person, fight or anything could except for maybe death but lets forget that for a moment and focus on how loved you feel.

After swaying in the middle of the room you and Tamaki layed in the bed taking and giggling then snuggled and slept. The following day all you both did was cuddle in your bed and eat but you didn't do much moving around. Kage also decided to join the both of you at one point in the night. 


This is all coming to and end soon loves! only a couple more parts then its all finished! I will probably get it done by this weekend! I know its so very sad but I'll keep making more if people enjoy my writing? let me know who I should write you with next I'm not good at making decisions

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