part 2: so suddenly?

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I'm not super sure if I'll continue this but if anyone enjoys it let me know I'll keep going!

Shortly after you entered the class more people came in you just stared out the window at the freshly blue sky. 5 minutes later a teacher walked in. "Everyone take your seats please" it was just some female teacher you didn't care much for hero's and you didn't care to know who she was.

Most of class was boring you were excited for lunch not because you were hungry. Even though UA has the best food you don't care much for lunch and weren't hungry you were excited for quiet. You continued to sit in your homeroom seat with a note book pulled out. You tied you hair up so you could see and started doing light sketches of ideas you had.

Ideas for hero costumes which you knew you'd have to do, equipment and more. You were so focused you didn't know someone was staring at you. It was a girl with long light blue hair with big wide bug eyes. She stared at you from the door for a good while before walking up you and putting a small candy on your drawings. It startled you a little and you looked up at her in shock.
"You aren't going to eat anything?" the girl questioned.

"No I'm not really hungry and if anything I would have brought my own lunch" you said looking at her but not her eyes.

She made a weird face like why would you turn down UA food. But you didn't really care and started to go back to your drawings. The girl had a small sticky note and write on it then stuck it to your forehead gently and walked off.

Confused you unstuck the note from your head and look at it. "Nejire Hado" you guess that's her name and her number? You questioned why for a moment but stuck it to the top of you notebook. "Am I about to make a friend? No I think I came off as rude right? Is she gonna make fun of me? Oh jeez.." you thought to yourself in a slight panic and started to over think everything.

Finally the end of the day what people look most forward to. You walked all the way home you didn't really have homework it was the first day after all.

You entered your home to see your parents were there talking to Kito about how his first day was. If fact they didn't even notice you walk in, you took off your shoes and went to your room. "Its so messy I need to clean up all the brushes and paint." You put your stuff down and quickly changed into something comfortable.

You picked up every brush and paint tube you had laying around and set it neatly where it was supposed to be. You sighed finally happy the floor was clean. Then you remembered the number from the Nejire girl and grabbed the note and put the number into your phone. For a second you were hesitant to text this random stranger kind of. " how are you supposed to text someone you hardly know?"

You decided not to text her just yet. You sat on the floor remembering you wanted to try something with a painting. You rummaged through your box of many many paintings and found the one you needed. You climbed out your window and onto the roof.

You stick a small canvas to your back and activate your quirk. You look behind you to see if it worked and when you look you have two long kind of floppy shiny blue butterfly wings. You lightly flap them trying to figure out if you could fly.

When you were younger you did a similar experiment like with the wings where you added an extra two arms. You can use and move the body parts you add to yourself but keeping them as a physical thing can take energy. Unlike clothing with just becomes and stays what it is, adding something to yourself takes energy to keep it like that. Same with if you painted someone as a minion.

Your wings were droopy and floppy, you realized you might need to use a cardboard canvas for this instead of the hanging type ones. So you deactivate your quirk and go back down to your room and decide maybe now you'll text Nejire.

You text just a simple hello I'm this person you stuck a sticky note to. Within a couple minutes you got a text back.

Tamaki Amajiki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now