Part 38: A new era is coming

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It seems that summer never ends but it does. And your summer was starting to again end. New and apparently very strong freshmen would be coming in which was so exciting not to you but others because You just make equipment. You and Tamaki were laying on the floor wondering how this was going to go, him being apart of the big 3 he'd eventually have to talk to them. Hado said to pretend their all potatoes but he didn't think it would help when that time came around.

"w-what if t-t-they wont like me w-when I have to talk to them?" Tamaki mumbled and looked at you.

You giggled "Tamaki hun you sound like a child on the first day of school" you said and Tamaki pouted at your giggling.

You stared into Tamaki's eyes, everything would be ok even if it felt like the world was ending. Tamaki was just being the anxious boy he was all the time no different, well maybe alittle because he wasnt as anxious around you and his friends.

"Hey, y-y/n...after highschool w-were going live together r-right?" Tamaki mumbled looking at you.

"Yeah of course we are Tamaki, unless we break up before then" You said thinking for a second.

What you said made Tamaki nervous you were going to leave him. But he also knew you lived him maybe alittle too much to just leave him. You both layed there talking about how you were going to decorate an apartment when you lived together.

Eventually after awhile of talking Mirio and Hado joined you both laying on the floor trying to decide what they'd do after high school. They also talked about the new freshmen coming in and how strong and smart their supposed to be.

You didnt care for this much because you again only made equipment. Not that it was boring to do so but not many people cared to much about it. All new heros care about is "hey look we have cool hero costumes it doesnt matter how much time and effort someone put into this Im going to tear it to shreds!" And thats why people make multiple comtumes for heros.

Or make the costume more compatible with the persons quirk. But sometimes that doesnt work out like Mirio poor, poor Mirio. He's going to end up flashing so many poor innocent kids.

After everyone left your dorm except kage and Tamaki. You sat on your bed beside Tamaki and he saw something was bothering you.

"Hey y/n w-what going on?" Tamaki mumbled, softly hugging you.

"Well.. being an adult scares me alittle..doesnt it care you too?" You questioned

"Yeah it i-is abit scary..what d-fo you think is the s-scariest part?" Tamaki said

You shrugged. "All of it really but Im also scared one day after hero wont come back home..." You said softly holding onto Tamaki.

Tamaki didnt say anything after that just held you till you were ready to let go. Silence had never bin so loud before. Tamaki couldnt promise he wouldnt die. He also couldnt promise that none of our friends would die or anything. Death happens and it sucks whether from old age or murdered. It hurts all the same sometimes though it hurts alittle more if someone was murdered you might seek revenge. But that is not a good path to go down and you just could hope no one tries to do so.

After awhile of holding you Tamaki left planting kisses on your face and tucking you into bed. Part of you knew Tamaki was also scared of being a hero. Not because he could die but what if a villain kidnapped you again and possibly killed you? You were both more concerned for the other then your own self.

But either way you both knew everything would be ok, at least for the time being. And until anything changes everything will be ok.

Im so sorry I didnt update sooner. School is alittle more important than this and I kinda need to graduate. But thank you all so much for reading!

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