part 5: snacks at your door

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It was Friday after school as your parents promised they had already dropped all your stuff off in your new dorm room. You sighed seeing all the boxes that you had to unpack till you realized there were some boxes from a furniture store. You checked the one that had a sticky note on it, it was from your aunt.

Your aunt had bought you a new bed frame, desk, dresser, and a mini fridge. "I'll have to text her later and thank her I really appreciate this" you thought and realized you had to assemble all the furniture. "I appreciate the new stuff just not the fact I have to build it all I can paint not really build stuff" luckily you heard a knock on your door so you opened it.

To your delight it was Nejire, Togata, and Amajiki. You gave them all a smile. "Hey guys um, what brings you here?" You questioned.

"Well we all finished our packing so we were wondering if you needed any help at all?" Said Togata peering into your room seeing only boxes.

"I'd appreciate help with building some furniture but, I'm sure I-" you got cut off from Mirio and Nejire barging in your room to get started on helping with building furniture.

Amajiki shuffled his way into your room and you were about to help when Nejire smacked your hand. "Don't worry Y/n! We got this just me a Mirio" Nejire exclaimed "you can just hang out with Amajiki outside though, I want to arrange your room nicely" Nejire said pushing you and Amajiki out the door and shutting it.

"I haven't even lived in a dorm longer then 10 minutes and I've already bin kicked out." You thought sliding your back against the wall and sitting down. Amajiki sat next to you, well kind of he was about a whole 6 feet away from you. Amajiki hugs his knees to his chest and put his face down.

You looked at the shy boy for awhile wondering what he was thinking. "c-can you stop s-s-staring at m-me? I can f-feel your e-eyes on me" Amajiki mumbled just loud enough for you to hear and quickly turn away. "I'm sorry!"

You both sat there in silence for awhile, you were picking the skin on your fingers. Amajiki still had his head down till finally he looked up a little taking a glance at you. You didn't seem to notice "y-y/n? What kind of s-snacks or food d-do you like?" Amajiki said suddenly startling you a little and looking to him.

"Well, I don't know... I'm not hungry often or care to eat my diet consists of mostly toast and some rice" you said thinking for a little. "I do like sweet stuff though, salty is ok, bitter tastes are pretty nice if I'm in the mood, and savory stuff is nice a lot of the time." You said which Amajiki took mental notes of.

"W-What about drinks?" Amajiki asked. You sat and thought for a second. "Coffee because caffeine is always great hehe" you giggled and smiled to yourself Amajikis face tinting a light pink when seeing you smile. "Water is always great I don't ever drink enough though...but I'm always willing to try new drinks and stuff" you mumbled, again Amajiki taking mental notes.

You both sat in silence for awhile at this point in time you already knew what everyone's quirks were but they didn't know yours. " hey, Amajiki? Aren't you curious to what my quirk is?" Amajiki nodded slightly before saying "y-yeah but y-you can tell m-me or anyone w-when y-y-your ready to.."

You popped your knuckles and the tips of your fingers " I want to tell them it'd be proper wouldn't it? I know all of there's and they don't know mine.." you trailed off into your thoughts about how lame the quirk you have is compared to the others.

Apparently you were thinking so long the door had opened and Mirio and Nejire had finished your room. "Y/n!! Come see your room! It looks so cute!!" Nejire exclaimed grabbing you and lifting you to your feet.

Nejire pushed you into your room and let you look around. Your bed was pushed against the wall in the top right corner of the room, your dresser was straight across from you bed, the mini fridge was next to the dresser and the door, and your desk and chair were in the top left corner of your room. You smiled and looked to Mirio and Nejire. "Thank you guys so much for the help but, ummm... where's all my painting and décor stuff?" You said worrying.

"Oh, we left the boxes of all that stuff under your bed so that you can decide how you want to set all that up." Mirio said scratching his neck.

You smiled and bowed "thank you both so much!" You said loudly but not to loud to try and not bother others. Nejire, Mirio and Amajiki all left shortly after you thanked them and gave Amajiki a wave.

After they left you set up your big easel setting a blank canvas on it for when you were ready to paint something. You put up your favorite painting that Kito painted for you even though it sucks you still love it. Then you pinned fake foliage with small fairy lights in them all around your room. Finally you stuck long hanging fake flowers above your bed ,they were a soft pink color, you sprayed some flowery smelling perfume on the fake flowers and layed down satisfied with how you decorated.

You let out a deep sigh, it was 8:46 p.m. you weren't in the slightest bit tired but at least today was a good day. Without realizing you had drifted to sleep but quickly woke up it was now 9:15 p.m.

You got up annoyed you fell asleep when you weren't tired. You opened your door to go wash your face when there was two bags filled you stuff with a note. You picked them up and set them on your bed. One bag was filled with different snacks and lots of onigiri. The other bag had small cans of coffee and water bottles still cold.

You quickly grabbed the note to read what it said. "Hi y/n, I saw you don't eat much or just not at all so have these snacks and drinks for whenever you need them" signed anonymous. The hand writing was neat and small.

You blushed lightly and kept the note in a box on your desk. "I love snacks but who would leave them on my front step. A stalker maybe?"

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