part 31: happy birthday y/n!

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It was Friday again and in fact your birthday. Last year no one knew and didn't ask about it plus you didn't celebrate your birthday anymore. So today you lived your life like normal, like everyday you did. Go to school and go back to your dorm at the end of the day.

That was the plan until at lunch Tamaki snuck up behind you and quickly pulled you into a secluded area. You knew it was Tamaki because of his scent but when you looked at him he had an angry expression. "Um Tam-" you started but Tamaki grabbed your face.

"Y/n why d-didn't you tell me i-it was your birthday?" Tamaki said still angry.

You sat there realizing Kito, your little brother, probably found a way to tell Tamaki it was your birthday today. "I don't celebrate my birthday anymore..." you mumbled looking away from Tamaki.

"That's fine but I wanna b-be able to get you gifts!" Tamaki shouted.

"I don't get gifts for my birthday from anyone except Kito because no one else cares about someone who has a useless quirk..." you said then lightly pushed Tamaki away and walked away.

It was harsh you know that but why should you care if no one besides your brother in the family cared? You didn't care much anyways you were just looking forward for the end of the day when this would be over and you could go back to your room.

~after school~

You went straight to your dorm and just lied in your bed alone. Guilt started setting in from what you told Tamaki. He was just trying to be a good boyfriend. On his birthday you gave him a painting of a beautiful sunset and he just wanted to do the same for you. You sighed and changed into a comfy but cute dress.

As you were about to leave your room Kito suddenly ran in and put a blindfold on you. "Great timing sis! No peeking I'm taking you somewhere" Kito said excited for something.

This wasn't the first time Kito did something like this but the last time has was 5 and you were 8. Kito blindfolded you and brought you to his room where he had set up stuffed animals and a cupcake with one candle in it. Kito always had great birthdays big ones where the whole family came so he wanted the same for you. Kito had to carefully lead you to where ever you were being taken then suddenly he stopped.

"Hold on sis I have to open the door." Kito said as you heard the click of a door opening then he led you in and closed the door behind you.

You stopped exactly where Kito put you then took the blindfold off of you. When you opened your eyes you were in Tamaki's room. Tamaki, Nejire, and Mirio were all there in front of you. "Happy birthday y/n!!" They all shouted once you saw them.

For some reason your eyes filled with tears and you started to cry. You always thought you didn't need a birthday or a party because it didn't matter. But now that you had your friends and little brother you were so happy. Nejire, Tamaki, Mirio, and Kito all gave you a big hug.

In the corner were presents from everyone in the room and on Tamaki's Table was a cake. It was red velvet even though red velvet is just chocolate dyed red you still loved it.

Everyone started with cake, Nejire was in charge of pictures of course. In fact after the party every picture taken Nejire was gonna get printed out and give them to you. After cake one by one everyone handed their presents to you.

Nejire got you some new dresses that she thought you'd like and new fancy paint brushes. Nejire said your old brushes looked dead so she got you new ones. Mirio got you a shit ton of different paints and some small boxes to store the paints so there more organized. Kito tried his best to paint you a picture of something.. you don't know what it is. Kito didn't get the artistic skills you did. He also made you another bracelet like the one he gave you, your first day of UA.

Tamaki said he was gonna wait till everyone left to give you hid gift. Kito glared at Tamaki and threatened if he was going to touch you in anyway he's dead. An empty threat yet again but Tamaki didn't seem scared this time he started messing with Kito like as if Kito was his little brother. It made you smile that Tamaki and Kito seemed to be getting along.

~later that night~

After Kito went back home and Nejire and Mirio went back to their dorms it was just you and Tamaki. "Tamaki I'm sorry about earlier.." you mumbled but Tamaki kissed your head and smiled. Then Tamaki went over to a cabinet an grabbed out a dried bouquet of different flowers and two wrapped presents.

You love dried flowers because they last forever. You opened the smaller present. You looked at what was inside and giggled little. It was a ring with a small dinosaur on it then Tamaki held up his hand that had a ring and the ring had a dinosaur shaped hole in it. "i-its a p-p-promise ring.. I-I thought they were c-cute.." Tamaki mumbled blushing but smiling at you.

Tamaki lightly grabbed the ring and put it on your ring finger. You blushed too and opened the second present which was a lot bigger and you saw a cute soft pink stuffed bunny. You took it out of the box and hugged it.

Tamaki giggled and gave you a big hug. "I thought you'd like t-the stuffed bunny i-it was that o-or a dog one" Tamaki mumbled.

You looked at Tamaki and smiled. "Thank you Tamaki this is the best birthday ever" you said cuddling into him.

"Happy birthday y-y/n I love you" Tamaki said.

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