part 19: you're stupid

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After that date with Tamaki both of you never mentioned it again Tamaki was horribly embarrassed by it. But its ok because it was the end of summer and now you sat in your homeroom class face down on the desk. You already missed not being at school and having a messed up sleep schedule. However Tamaki and your friends probably had a lot more fun then you.

Their in the hero course they get to learn to fight and rescue people but you had to learn how to make equipment even though you could just paint. Teachers said tha'ts to easy so you need to actually learn how to do it without painting how awful.

It was lunch time your forehead was pressed to the desk. There were to many people in this school the only good thing is that you were a 2nd year now. Then you felt a tiny kiss planted on the top of your head and looked up to see Tamaki. He was the other good thing probably better then being a 2nd year.

"Good after n-noon y/n" Tamaki smiled placing onigiri next to you he made it himself which you loved when he did that.

Nejire and Mirio joined you both shortly after and you shoved onigiri in your moved writing down nonsense about equipment. Tamaki peeked over trying to understand the nonsense you were writing about. When you saw him looking you covered up what was written.

"No looking, I was assigned to be your person for making your equipment and costumes for all of high school." You smiled looking at Tamaki but he frowned and started pouting.

"B-But I wanna s-see what you are g-gonna be making meeee" Tamaki whined and pulled at your sleeve.

Then a girl walked in she was beautiful and seemed kind, till she walked over to Tamaki and started blushing. "Um A-Amajiki I umm think y-your cute and w-will you be my boyfriend" said the girl.

You, Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki all stared at the girl in disbelief she even asked. "Maybe she's a 1st year its only the first day of school.. maybe.." you tried to find reasons she'd ask Tamaki right in front of his girlfriend.

"Oh s-sorry I have a girlfriend.." Tamaki mumbled

The girl just giggled "yeah I know but.. she doesn't have to know about us its ok" the girl grinned placing her hand on his "plus isn't she in support? She must be useless right"

The rage in you grew with every word she said, you held your tounge trying not to shout at her or make any rude comments. Tamaki removed his hand from the girl and glared at her making an extremely anger face.

"Sorry I said I have a girlfriend, I don't know who you are or even care now please leave" Tamaki said coldly which startled you, Nejire and Mirio.

The girl got tears in her eyes and ran off crying. Tamaki let out a heavy sigh. "t-t-that took t-to much e-energy" Tamaki mumbled shaking uncontrollably.

You got up and leaned on Tamaki giving him an awkward hug. "Thank you for standing up for me Tamaki" you whispered in his making his face and ears go hot and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

~after school~

You sat in your dorm room Tamaki hadn't stopped by yet so you went and looked for him. He wasn't in his dorm room so you checked places around the school when finally you found him outside training. He looked really roughed up like he spared with a couple of people then after they left just by himself. "Tamaki you're all beat up.." you mumbled putting your hand on his shoulder.

Tamaki was a bit startled then looked at you. "I-I know.. just a-a bit more and I-Ill stop.. I-I'm just angry about e-earlier and trying to let off steam" Tamaki said frowning.

You sighed and dragged Tamaki all the way to your dorm room, he didn't resist. You sat Tamaki on your bed and grabbed your first aid kit, you had a bad tendency to fall or accidentally hurt yourself so you had a big one full of band aids and cleaning stuff. You started cleaning Tamaki's scrapes that he had.

"Ow.. y/n it s-stings.." Tamaki whined

"Yeah yeah I know you'll be ok though" you said finally putting Band-Aids on him.

You gave Tamaki a hug. "Will a hug make you feel better?" You asked and Tamaki nodded as he hugged you back.

"You're so stupid Tamaki.. your smart but stupid don't be angry about today.. I'm sure it shouldn't happen again.." you mumbled now scared that more girls would come after your man "and even if it does.. just tell them what you told that girl today and if you need a hug after just let me know" you said giving Tamaki a small kiss on the forehead.

Tamaki smiled and nodded then stared into your eyes. "Y/n y-you're the most b-beautiful girl in t-the world did y-you know that?" Tamaki smirked which made you blush and look away.

"You're so cheesy stop it"

Tamaki Amajiki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now