part 20: I didnt know you were so strong

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"Schoooool suuuuuuuucks" you thought to yourself on a late Friday night. "Why the hell do I have so much homework and its only the first weeeeeek" you pouted and slammed your head on your desk. "Ow.. ow.. that was stupid.." you sat up and held you head in pain.

A tiny knock at your door could be heard then Tamaki walked in and closed the door behind him. "Hi hon- AH!! y-y-y/n your h-head!!!" Tamaki shouted as you stared at him confused.

Tamaki grabbed the first aid kit as fast as he could. Apparently your forehead was bleeding from just how hard you slammed your head on your desk. Tamaki patches you up not the best since he doesn't help people who hurt themselves often or even himself so you helped him with what to do.

"Thanks Tamaki, I didn't realize that happened.." you sighed and Tamaki kissed your forehead.

"Its ok, y-you're working very hard.. want s-snacks?" Tamaki shrugged holding up a bag of snacks.

You smiled and nodded Tamaki handing you snacks that you munched on while doing all the homework you had. Tamaki payed on your bed waiting for cuddles. "Tamaki lovey, this is gonna take me awhile so I cant cuddle for awhile.." you mumbled writing down info on how engines work for some reason.

Tamaki pouted then got up and picked you up from your chair. "T-Tamaki!" You shouted before Tamaki sat in the chair and put you in his lap.

Tamaki wrapped his arms around your waist and layed his head on your back. "Now w-we get to c-cuddle while you do h-homework" Tamaki said smiling.

Your cheeks tinted pink you pouted and continued to write down stuff. "Don't you have homework Tamaki?" You asked

You felt Tamaki shake his head against your back. "Nope not a single thing" Tamaki grinned which made you angry.


You finally finished your homework so you and Tamaki were laying on the floor next to each other talking about random stuff. You were both tired but you didn't want to sleep at all. Tamaki got ready to leave finally.

You ended up falling asleep on the floor, you woke up startled and your back in pain. It was 3 a.m. so you got into your bed and went back to sleep. Till suddenly alarms started going off and red flashing lights. This meant someone broke in and it could be villain's which scared you. You heard people yelling outside your room and running feet then your door opened it was Tamaki. "T-Thank god you weren't k-kidnapped again.." Tamaki sighed taking your hand and about to leave your room when a tall shadowy Smokey man walked in your room, it was him.

You started shaking immediately knowing that was one of the men who kidnapped you. You clung onto Tamaki and he knew immediately this guy was a villain." You better leave y/n alone.." Tamaki said the Smokey guy just laughed.

"She was useless anyways its fine why don't we just take you instead?" He said and something inside you wasn't right.

The Smokey man started to walk over and before he or Tamaki could even blink you were kicked the man in his head..? The big metal part. He stumbled back and stared at you now you had blue butterfly wings big and strong. Good thing this was your room with all your canvases. "Oh no a butterflies wings that gonna do seriously?" The guy laughed then you grinned.

"Oh nothing just this.." you said, he didn't realize you scattered canvases of pro hero's around him and now was surrounded. "Be scared of me you fool.. they have their quirks all at full strength ready to get ya" you said breathing heavily and mumbled something no one heard.

Tamaki was stunned by what you just did you could have very well of gotten in the hero course with a thing like this. The shadowy man suddenly teleported away must have bin too scared.

You laughed a little before everything turned back into a canvas and you collapsed and blacked out.

~the following day~

It was Saturday and after last night you passed out obviously. Tamaki brought you to the nurses office and stated there with you the rest of the time you were asleep.

Tamaki's POV

"Why didn't she try shooting for the hero course when she had a trick like that up her sleeve?" Tamaki thought admiring your face as you rested. "Yeah she couldn't keep it up for long but then again that was about 10 pro hero's she had to make physical and try and keep in existence.. were the butterfly wings necessary?"  Tamaki was holding your hand rubbing the same place over and over again.

His thoughts were wild, your parents said you were useless but how could you be when that happened. Pro hero's made from paintings and have quirks!

your POV

You felt Tamaki's hand in yours rubbing the same spot over and over again. "Tamaki if you keep rubbing that spot on my hand I'm peeling my own skin off..." you mumbled still feeling tired and looking to Tamaki.

Tamaki jumped a little and pulled his hand away from yours. You could already see he had questions about your quirk. Tamaki knew you could make things you painted come to life but not pro hero's.

Tamaki Amajiki x fem readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin