Chapter 63

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A/N: quickly edited so apologies for any grammar/spelling errors. Thank you all so so much for your patience and support. It means the world to me <3

The rest of the flight was mostly uneventful. Though Tony did end up making a pit stop so everyone could use a restroom and get a decent meal. Which I'm happy about, that trail mix and jumbles of candy wasn't nearly enough to satisfy my hunger

The look on all the staff members faces when the Avengers walked in was almost hysterical. Quickly drawing in a crowd and the more popular ones of the group barely got away from all the autographs and photos. But they did it all with a smile, wanting to please the public eye and what not

Bucky and I stood back while the rest of the group got ambushed by fans. Me not being known by virtually anyone and Bucky hating crowds. We ended up ordering the food for everyone

As we stood aside and waited for the large order, I noticed a younger boy staring at us from his booth. He had to be at least eight years old, maybe nine. His big brown doe-eyes practically locked onto Bucky who didn't even seem to notice. Or if he did, he chose to ignore the set of eyes on him

The kids mother told him to stop staring while the father glanced over at us, realization spreading across his face. He shushed the mom and dug around in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a pen and handing it to his son along with a clean napkin

He whispers something to the boy, waving him away with an encouraging smile. The small dark haired boy slowly crawled out of the booth clutching the pen and napkin, nervously glancing between Bucky and back at his parents. I do my best to conceal a smile as I bring my attention back to Bucky

"Looks like you have a fan." He flicks his gaze to me, puzzled


"Uh- h-hi. Are you.. are you James Barnes?" A nervous voice asks a few feet away from us

Bucky slightly turns on his heels, looking down at the anxious boy and me. He himself looked nervous, unsure what exactly to do and I could tell he felt out of place. No ones ever come up to him with a look of 'awe' before. Besides me obviously. Normally he gets scowls or ignored. I motion to Bucky to reply, mentally scolding him for not being polite

"Uhm.. yeah."

Definitely needs more work on social skills I see

"Can I have your autograph sir?" The boy awkwardly holds out the pen and napkin up towards Bucky

"Of course you can." I answer sweetly for Bucky

Suddenly the dad stands from their booth, striding over to aid his nervous son. He smiles at us, clamping a hand on the boys shoulder. "Sorry to bother you Mr. Barnes. My boy and I are a huge fan of Captain America and the Howling Commandos."

Bucky seemed to soften at the fathers words, less on edge now. Even offers a small smile

"Him and a few of his friends even dressed as them for Halloween this past year." The father added making his son cringe with embarrassment

I chuckled at the two strangers as Bucky squatted down to grab the napkin and pen from the boy. As the young boy started to ramble on and ask Bucky questions, I talked to the dad. Turns out he's a history teacher at the local high school and his son, Trent, loved everything involving Captain America and his buddies fighting in the war. Trents dad obviously left out the darker parts of the history but Trent loves hearing how Cap and the Commandos 'fought bullies' as he puts it

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