Chapter 10

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"Ya know, this isn't exactly what I had in mind when I asked you to dinner." Bucky whispers as he grabs plates from the cupboard next to me. I close the fridge door with a case of beer in one hand and an orange Fanta for me in the other

I had a feeling that if it was just the two of us having dinner, things might escalate like earlier and we wouldn't be able to stop this time. He's just so intoxicating, I can't get enough of him. But we can't, we've already gone too far as is

"Oh I know." I smile, placing the beers on the countertop as my phone chimed

"Pizza here?" Steve puts the TV remote down and looks in my direction from the couch

"Yup! I'll go grab it." I trot out of the room, feeling Buckys eyes on me until I turn a corner and out of his line of view. "Hey Friday?" I call into the hallway

"Yes Agent Hayes?" A female voice responds from the ceiling

"Will you let Banner know he's needed in the commons room please?" My phone dings again as I got a text

"Of course Ms. Hayes." The voice chirps

"Thank you." I smile up at the ceiling before turning my attention to my phone. It was a number I didn't recognize but immediately knew who it was

??: please put on pants. You're very distracting

A: quit staring, ya creep :p

??: can't help it doll, you're stunning

A: did Steve pick something to watch yet?

B: yeah

A: 👍

I put my phone away, now flustered at his compliment but can't dwell on it too much as I round a corner to the main entrance of the building. The big metal door slides open as I scan my palm. I'm greeted by a boy holding 4 pizza boxes, he looked around my age. He wore black skinny jeans with tattered converse, a black shirt with the pizza joints logo on it and a baseball cap that was facing backwards. He was tall, not exactly skinny but not built like Steve or Bucky either. He was a happy middle. Attractive too. I smile up at him

"Hey man, thanks for making the drive out here." I grab the boxes from him and pull out two $20 bills for him. He furrows his brows

"It says you paid online..?" He looks at the money still in my hand

"I did, this is your tip and gas money." I chuckle. The good thing about living with a multi-billionaire is you always have a little extra cash lying around. And since I know the struggle of a shitty minimum wage paying job with no benefits, I like to tip extra

"Hell yeah, thank you!" He smiles, his green eyes lighting up like the Fourth of July, and taking the money from me. I wave goodbye and turn around as the door slides shut, locking behind me

Once back in the commons room I see Banner looking confused

"I thought I was needed for something?" He asks. I sigh, displaying the pizza boxes on the counter and opening them for everyone

"You are. You're needed here to take a break from working. Get a bite to eat, and enjoy some time with friends." I hand him a plate to which he awkwardly grabs. "Half an hour is all I'm asking Bruce." I give him the best puppy dog eyes I could muster

Instead of responding he just nods and grabs a slice of pizza and paper towel. I smile triumphantly and grab my own plate going straight for my favorite pizza. Green olives with extra cheese. I know it's a weird topping but it's no worse than pineapples on pizza. Though I usually pick the pineapple off. Not a fan of it but hey, to each their own

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